################################################################################ # # flutter-engine # ################################################################################ # Flutter-engine has a release on the GitHub page. However, that release is # only for Google. Its intended purpose is for the gclient tool provided by # Google in their depot-tools package. To use the source code, we must use # gclient to download the flutter-engine source code along with several other # projects. Unfortunately, the Buildroot download system does not have the # capability of using gclient, and considering this package is the only # package that uses gclient, we side-step the entire download process and # perform the following steps if a tarball does not exist already: # # - Copy the pre-made gclient config file to a temporary scratch directory. # - Run gclient sync to generate a source directory with the proper # flutter-engine source code in the correct places. # - Create a source tarball. # - Copy the source tarball to the $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_DL_DIR) directory. # # There is no hash provided, as the gn binary (used for configuration) relies # on the .git directories. As such, a reproducible tarball is not possible. FLUTTER_ENGINE_VERSION = 3.13.9 # There is nothing for Buildroot to download. This is handled by gclient. FLUTTER_ENGINE_SITE = FLUTTER_ENGINE_SOURCE = FLUTTER_ENGINE_LICENSE = BSD-3-Clause FLUTTER_ENGINE_LICENSE_FILES = LICENSE FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARBALL_PATH = $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_DL_DIR)/flutter-$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_VERSION).tar.gz FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_STAGING = YES FLUTTER_ENGINE_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES = host-depot-tools FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES = \ host-flutter-sdk-bin \ host-ninja \ host-pkgconf \ freetype \ zlib # Dispatch all architectures of flutter # FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_TRIPPLE must match the directory name found in # buildtools/linux-x64/clang/lib/clang/*/lib ifeq ($(BR2_aarch64),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_ARCH = arm64 FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_TRIPPLE = aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu else ifeq ($(BR2_arm)$(BR2_armeb),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_ARCH = arm FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_TRIPPLE = armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf else ifeq ($(BR2_x86_64),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_ARCH = x64 FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_TRIPPLE = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu endif ifeq ($(BR2_ENABLE_RUNTIME_DEBUG),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE=debug else FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE=release endif FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR = \ $(@D)/out/linux_$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE)_$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_ARCH) FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_FILES = libflutter_engine.so # Flutter engine includes a bundled patched clang that must be used for # compiling or else there are linking errors. FLUTTER_ENGINE_CLANG_PATH = $(@D)/buildtools/linux-x64/clang FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS = \ --clang \ --embedder-for-target \ --linux-cpu $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_ARCH) \ --no-build-embedder-examples \ --no-clang-static-analyzer \ --no-enable-unittests \ --no-goma \ --no-prebuilt-dart-sdk \ --no-stripped \ --runtime-mode $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE) \ --target-os linux \ --target-sysroot $(STAGING_DIR) \ --target-toolchain $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_CLANG_PATH) \ --target-triple $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARGET_TRIPPLE) ifeq ($(BR2_arm)$(BR2_armeb),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += \ --arm-float-abi $(call qstrip,$(BR2_GCC_TARGET_FLOAT_ABI)) endif # We must specify a full path to ccache and a full path to the flutter-engine # provided clang in order to use ccache, or else flutter-engine will error out # attempting to find ccache in the target-toolchain provided path. ifeq ($(BR2_CCACHE),y) define FLUTTER_ENGINE_COMPILER_PATH_FIXUP $(SED) "s%cc =.*%cc = \"$(HOST_DIR)/bin/ccache $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_CLANG_PATH)/bin/clang\""%g \ $(@D)/build/toolchain/custom/BUILD.gn $(SED) "s%cxx =.*%cxx = \"$(HOST_DIR)/bin/ccache $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_CLANG_PATH)/bin/clang++\""%g \ $(@D)/build/toolchain/custom/BUILD.gn endef FLUTTER_ENGINE_PRE_CONFIGURE_HOOKS += FLUTTER_ENGINE_COMPILER_PATH_FIXUP endif ifeq ($(BR2_ENABLE_LTO),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --lto else FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --no-lto endif ifeq ($(BR2_OPTIMIZE_0),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --unoptimized endif # There is no --disable-fontconfig option. ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_FONTCONFIG),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += fontconfig FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --enable-fontconfig endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBGL),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += libgl endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBGLES),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += libgles FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --enable-impeller-opengles endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLFW),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += libglfw FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --build-glfw-shell else FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --no-build-glfw-shell endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK3),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += libgtk3 FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_FILES += libflutter_linux_gtk.so else FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --disable-desktop-embeddings endif # There is no --disable-vulkan option ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_VULKAN_DRIVER),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS += --enable-vulkan --enable-impeller-vulkan endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_XORG7)$(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXCB),yy) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += libxcb else define FLUTTER_ENGINE_VULKAN_X11_SUPPORT_FIXUP $(SED) "s%vulkan_use_x11.*%vulkan_use_x11 = false%g" -i \ $(@D)/build_overrides/vulkan_headers.gni endef FLUTTER_ENGINE_PRE_CONFIGURE_HOOKS += FLUTTER_ENGINE_VULKAN_X11_SUPPORT_FIXUP endif ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_WAYLAND),y) FLUTTER_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES += wayland else define FLUTTER_ENGINE_VULKAN_WAYLAND_SUPPORT_FIXUP $(SED) "s%vulkan_use_wayland.*%vulkan_use_wayland = false%g" \ $(@D)/build_overrides/vulkan_headers.gni endef FLUTTER_ENGINE_PRE_CONFIGURE_HOOKS += FLUTTER_ENGINE_VULKAN_WAYLAND_SUPPORT_FIXUP endif # Generate a tarball if one does not already exist. define FLUTTER_ENGINE_GENERATE_TARBALL PATH=$(HOST_DIR)/share/depot_tools:$(BR_PATH) \ PYTHONPATH=$(HOST_DIR)/lib/python$(PYTHON3_VERSION_MAJOR) \ PUB_CACHE=$(FLUTTER_SDK_BIN_PUB_CACHE) \ $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_PKGDIR)/gen-tarball \ --dot-gclient $(TOPDIR)/$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_PKGDIR)/dot-gclient \ --jobs $(PARALLEL_JOBS) \ --scratch-dir $(@D)/dl-tmp \ --tarball-dl-path $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARBALL_PATH) \ --version $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_VERSION) endef FLUTTER_ENGINE_POST_DOWNLOAD_HOOKS += FLUTTER_ENGINE_GENERATE_TARBALL define FLUTTER_ENGINE_EXTRACT_CMDS $(call suitable-extractor,$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARBALL_PATH)) $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_TARBALL_PATH) \ | $(TAR) --strip-components=1 -C $(@D) $(TAR_OPTIONS) - endef # We must set the home directory to the sdk directory or else flutter will # place .dart, and .flutter in ~/. define FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONFIGURE_CMDS cd $(@D) && \ rm -rf $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR) && \ PATH=$(HOST_DIR)/share/depot_tools:$(BR_PATH) \ PUB_CACHE=$(FLUTTER_SDK_BIN_PUB_CACHE) \ HOME=$(HOST_FLUTTER_SDK_BIN_SDK) \ ./flutter/tools/gn \ $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_CONF_OPTS) endef define FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_CMDS cd $(@D) && \ PATH=$(HOST_DIR)/share/depot_tools:$(BR_PATH) \ PUB_CACHE=$(FLUTTER_SDK_BIN_PUB_CACHE) \ HOME=$(HOST_FLUTTER_SDK_BIN_SDK) \ $(HOST_DIR)/bin/ninja \ -j $(PARALLEL_JOBS) \ -C $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR) endef # Flutter-engine builds several host applications use for flutter development. # One of those applications is gen_snapshot, which turns applications into # usable .so files for the target architecture. Compiling a host version of # flutter-engine would result in binaries producing host-architecture # flutter applications .so files. As such, copy gen_snapshot to the host # directory here and name it flutter_gen_snapshot for clarity. FLUTTER_ENGINE_GEN_SNAPSHOT = $(HOST_DIR)/bin/flutter_gen_snapshot define FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_GEN_SNAPSHOT $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/clang_x64/gen_snapshot \ $(HOST_DIR)/bin/flutter_gen_snapshot endef FLUTTER_ENGINE_POST_INSTALL_STAGING_HOOKS += FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_GEN_SNAPSHOT define FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS $(foreach i,$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_FILES), $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/so.unstripped/$(i) \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/$(i); \ ) $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/flutter_embedder.h \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/flutter_embedder.h $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/icudtl.dat \ $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/share/flutter/$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE)/data/icudtl.dat endef define FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS $(foreach i,$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_INSTALL_FILES), $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/so.unstripped/$(i) \ $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/$(i); \ ) $(INSTALL) -D -m 0755 $(FLUTTER_ENGINE_BUILD_DIR)/icudtl.dat \ $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/share/flutter/$(FLUTTER_ENGINE_RUNTIME_MODE)/data/icudtl.dat endef $(eval $(generic-package))