luozhikun 2b47d28476 feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00
extlinux.conf feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00 feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00
genimage.cfg feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00 feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00 feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00
readme.txt feat: 增加buildroot-2023.11.1 2024-02-18 09:22:07 +08:00



How to build it

Configure buildroot:

  $ make imx8mn_bsh_smm_s2_pro_defconfig

Change settings to fit your needs (optional):

  $ make menuconfig

Compile everything and build the rootfs image:

  $ make

Result of the build

After building, the output/images directory contains:

    ├── bl31.bin
    ├── Image
    ├── flash.bin
    ├── ddr3*
    ├── rootfs.ext2
    ├── rootfs.ext4 -> rootfs.ext2
    ├── rootfs.tar
    ├── sdcard.img
    ├── u-boot.bin
    ├── u-boot-nodtb.bin
    └── u-boot-spl.bin

Preparing the board

Plug the USB type A to micro B cable into the USB Debug
Connector (DBG UART). Use serial port settings 115200 8N1
to access the debug console.

Plug another USB type A to micro B cable into the USB-OTG
Connector (USB1). This connection is used to flash the board
firmware using the Freescale/NXP UUU tool.

Connect the power supply/adaptor to the DC Power Jack (labelled

Flashing the emmc card image

Power up the board by switching on the Power ON Switch, which is
placed right next to the DC Jack.

Enter the following U-Boot commands on the debug serial console:

  $ fastboot usb 0

Flash the images on eMMC. On your computer, run:

  $ board/bsh/imx8mn-bsh-smm-s2-pro/ output/

Booting the board

By default the bootloader will search for the first valid image,
starting with the internal eMMC.