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// CompareWithCImpTest.swift
// MAVLink
// Created by Max Odnovolyk on 10/29/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Build Apps. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import XCTest
import MAVLink_C
@testable import MAVLink
class CompareWithCImplementationResultsTest: XCTestCase {
func testSwiftParserImplementationDidReturnSameFloatValuesAsCImplementation() {
let data = testAttitudeData
let mavLink = MAVLink()
var attitudeMessageSwift: Attitude!
mavLink.parse(data: data, channel: 0) { message, _ in
attitudeMessageSwift = message as! Attitude
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift != nil, "Expects to receive valid Attitude message from provided data")
var messageC = mavlink_message_t()
var statusC = mavlink_status_t()
var attitudeMessageC = mavlink_attitude_t()
data.forEach { mavlink_parse_char(0, $0, &messageC, &statusC) }
mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(&messageC, &attitudeMessageC)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.timeBootMs == attitudeMessageC.time_boot_ms)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.roll == attitudeMessageC.roll)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.pitch == attitudeMessageC.pitch)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.yaw == attitudeMessageC.yaw)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.rollspeed == attitudeMessageC.rollspeed)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.pitchspeed == attitudeMessageC.pitchspeed)
XCTAssert(attitudeMessageSwift.yawspeed == attitudeMessageC.yawspeed)
/// Test MAVLink parser on the real world data and compare results with C code results
/// on the same data set. This test could take significant amount of time (tlog
/// contains about 163000 messages).
/// You can disable this test in test scheme configuration to save time.
/// Tlog file was downloaded from https://github.com/dronekit/dronekit-la-testdata.
/// APM:Copter V3.4-dev (bdddfae5)
func testSwiftParserImplementationDidReturnSameNumberOfMessagesAsCImplementation() {
// Load data from test tlog file
let data = testTlogData
// Message and error counters
var messageCountSwift = 0
var messageCountC = 0
var errors: [String: Int] = [:]
// Delegated messages handler
let delegate = Delegate(didParse: { _, _, _, _ in
messageCountSwift += 1
}, didFailToParseMessage: { _, error, _, _ in
// Сonsidering ParseError.valueSizeOutOfBounds, ParseError.invalidStringEncoding,
// ParseEnumError.unknownValue which are not handled in C implementation.
if let count = errors[error.description] {
errors[error.description] = count + 1
} else {
errors[error.description] = 1
// Parse data with MAVLink class instance (pure Swift implementation)
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
mavLink.parse(data: data, channel: 0)
let typesErrorCountSwift = errors.reduce(0) { result, item in result + item.1 }
// Process data with C mavlink_parse_char function
var message = mavlink_message_t()
var status = mavlink_status_t()
data.forEach { byte in
if mavlink_parse_char(0, byte, &message, &status) == UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK.rawValue) {
messageCountC += 1
// Compare results
XCTAssert(messageCountSwift == messageCountC - typesErrorCountSwift, "Number of messages parsed in MAVLink instance should match messageCountC minus number of errors which is not handled in C code")
/// Test that generated by MAVLink data can be parsed in C implementation.
/// Tlog file was downloaded from https://github.com/dronekit/dronekit-la-testdata.
/// APM:Copter V3.4-dev (bdddfae5)
func testCImplementationDidParseSwiftMAVLinkOutput() {
continueAfterFailure = false
// Load data from test tlog file
let data = testTlogData
var messagesCount = 0
// Delegated messages handler
let delegate = Delegate(didParse: { message, packet, _, link in
let data = try! packet.finalize(sequence: 0)
var message = mavlink_message_t()
var status = mavlink_status_t()
var result = UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_INCOMPLETE.rawValue)
data.forEach { byte in
result = mavlink_parse_char(0, byte, &message, &status)
XCTAssert(result == UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK.rawValue), "C Implementation should be able to parse finalized by MAVLink message if they both use the same definitions and settings")
messagesCount += 1
// Parse data with MAVLink class instance (pure Swift implementation)
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
mavLink.parse(data: data, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(messagesCount > 0, "Unable to parse any method from test data")
func testCImplementationDidParseMessageThatStartsRightAfterCorruptedMessageIdByte() {
let unknownMessageId = UInt8(0xC7)
var data = Data(testHeartbeatData.prefix(upTo: 5))
var message = mavlink_message_t()
var status = mavlink_status_t()
var result = UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_INCOMPLETE.rawValue)
data.forEach { byte in
result = mavlink_parse_char(0, byte, &message, &status)
XCTAssert(result == UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK.rawValue))
func testCImplementationDidParseMessageThatStartsRightAfterCorruptedCRCByte() {
let corruptedByte = UInt8(0x00)
var data = testHeartbeatData
var message = mavlink_message_t()
var status = mavlink_status_t()
var result = UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_INCOMPLETE.rawValue)
data.forEach { byte in
result = mavlink_parse_char(0, byte, &message, &status)
XCTAssert(result == UInt8(MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK.rawValue))