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2024-07-24 18:30:46 +08:00
// MAVLinkTests.swift
// MAVLinkTests
// Created by Max Odnovolyk on 10/6/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Build Apps. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import XCTest
@testable import MAVLink
class MAVLinkTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
continueAfterFailure = false
// MARK: - Parsing tests
func testParseDidParseMessageThatStartsRightAfterCorruptedMessageIdByte() {
let corruptedByte = UInt8(0xC7)
var data = Data(testHeartbeatData.prefix(upTo: 5))
var callsCount = 0
let delegate = Delegate(didParse: { message, _, _, _ in
XCTAssert(message is Statustext, "Expects to get instance of Statustext from provided data")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
mavLink.parse(data: data, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should parse exactly one message from provided data")
func testParseDidParseMessageThatStartsRightAfterCorruptedCRCByte() {
let corruptedByte = UInt8(0x00)
var data = testHeartbeatData
var callsCount = 0
let delegate = Delegate(didParse: { message, _, _, _ in
XCTAssert(message is Statustext, "Expects to get instance of Statustext from provided data")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
mavLink.parse(data: data, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should parse exactly one message from provided data")
// MARK: - Dispatching tests
func testDispatchDidPutProperMessageId() {
var callsCount = 0
let delegate = Delegate(didFinalize: { _, _, data, _, _ in
XCTAssert(data[5] ==, "Sixth byte of MAVLink packet should be message id (in this specific case \(")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
try! mavLink.dispatch(message: testHeartbeatMessage, systemId: 0, componentId: 0, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should return exactly one finalized packet from provided message")
func testDispatchDidPutProperSystemId() {
var callsCount = 0
let systemId = UInt8(0xFF)
let delegate = Delegate(didFinalize: { _, _, data, _, _ in
XCTAssert(data[3] == systemId, "Fourth byte of MAVLink packet should be system id (\(systemId))")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
try! mavLink.dispatch(message: testHeartbeatMessage, systemId: systemId, componentId: 0, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should return exactly one finalized packet from provided message")
func testDispatchDidPutProperComponentId() {
var callsCount = 0
let componentId = UInt8(0xFF)
let delegate = Delegate(didFinalize: { _, _, data, _, _ in
XCTAssert(data[4] == componentId, "Fifth byte of generated MAVLink packet should contain component id (\(componentId))")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
try! mavLink.dispatch(message: testHeartbeatMessage, systemId: 0, componentId: componentId, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should return exactly one finalized packet from provided message")
func testDispatchDidPutProperCRC() {
var callsCount = 0
let delegate = Delegate(didFinalize: { [unowned self] _, _, data, _, _ in
let expectedData = self.testHeartbeatData
XCTAssert(data == expectedData, "Test message`s bytes should match expected constant test data (including CRC)")
callsCount += 1
let mavLink = MAVLink()
mavLink.delegate = delegate
try! mavLink.dispatch(message: testHeartbeatMessage, systemId: 0xFF, componentId: 0, channel: 0)
XCTAssert(callsCount == 1, "MAVLink instance should return exactly one finalized packet from provided message")
func testDispatchRethrowsDataExtensionsErrors() {
let mavLink = MAVLink()
let message = Statustext(severity: MAVSeverity.notice, text:"💩")
XCTAssertThrowsError(try mavLink.dispatch(message: message, systemId: 0, componentId: 0, channel: 0)) { error in
switch error {
case let PackError.invalidStringEncoding(offset, string) where offset == 1 && string == "💩":
XCTFail("Unexpected error thrown")