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2024-07-24 18:30:46 +08:00
// minimal javascript tool to exercise pushbuffer and parsebuffer of different style mavlink including 1 and 2
// - it reads a string-hex data stream from stdin (NOT strictly binary mavlink) that we know how to decode as mavlink, parse it and decode into valid packet/s.
// - it reads data of the type output from command/s like these:
// ardupilot mavlink2:
// ./testmav2.0_ardupilotmega | grep '^fd'
// ardupilot mavlink1:
// ./testmav1.0_ardupilotmega | grep '^fe'
// (no external dependencies apart from the mavlink library itself and the stock filesystem library)
// by buzz june 2020
// if given any args, they should be the mavlink 'base' name and version number, eg: "node testparser.js ardupilotmega 2.0" if none given the default is 'ardupilot' and '2.0'
// This tool isn't smart enough to do anything other than print stats on the number of 'good' and 'unhandled' stuff that were
// found in whatever was piped into its stdin.
// Its certainly NOT able to know if these numbers are right or wrong.
// A much smarter and more complex version of this script is called 'make_tests.js' which makes tests that byte-level smart.
var base = process.argv[2];
var version = process.argv[3];
var verbosity = process.argv[4]; // 0 or absent means low verbosity, 1 means medium, 2 means high
function isNumeric(num){return !isNaN(num)}
if ( isNumeric(verbosity) ) { verbosity = parseInt(verbosity); }// extracts a numeric value from it
if (!base) {
base = 'ardupilotmega'; // or 'common'
if (!version){ version = '2.0';}
if (version == '1'){ version = '1.0';}
if (version == '2'){ version = '2.0';}
// run relative to this script, not the user, so the 'require' below works
var requirestring = '../generator/javascript/implementations/mavlink_'+base+'_v'+version+'/mavlink.js';
var M = require(requirestring);//module exports list
console.log("Using parser base:"+base+" and version:"+version);
// create mavlink handler
var MAVLinkProcessor;// which ever processor we are using
if (version == '2.0'){
MAVLinkProcessor = M.MAVLink20Processor;
if (version == '1.0'){
MAVLinkProcessor = M.MAVLink10Processor;
// instantiate a new one, now we know which to use
var mav = new MAVLinkProcessor();
// read test file from filesystem, needs to user to be in the same folder as this script to find the .tlog file
var fs = require('fs');
// attach minimal 'write' function that the js library requires to work.
var writer = {
write: function(){}
mav.file = writer;
// convenience wrappers to look more python-ish
function print(m){
function str(m){
return ''+m;
// and to display on stdout in a human-readable format:
function buf2hex(buffer) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join(' ');
function buf2decimal(buffer) { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('0' + x.toString(10)).slice(-3)).join(', ');
var goodpacketcount = 0;
var unknownbytecount = 0;
var packet_types = {}; // we'll keep a hash lookup of each type we got.
// just using the generic 'message' events from being emitted from the mavlink library as well.
mav.on('message', function(message) {
if (message._id != -1) { // bad data has this set to -1
//console.log("test parsed packet type:"+message._name+" ... "+JSON.stringify(message));
//console.log("test parsed packet type:"+message._name);
process.stdout.write("test parsed packet type:"+message._name+" \r");
goodpacketcount = goodpacketcount+1;
// rememmber the packt type for stats at end
packet_types[message._name] = 1;
else {
// example of how to console.log just the first bad_data packet...
//if (unknownbytecount == 0 ) {
// console.log(message);
if ( verbosity ==2 ) console.log(message);
unknownbytecount = unknownbytecount+1;// just count the number of packets we couldn't parse
if ((version == '2.0') && (message._msgbuf[0] == 0xfe)) {
if ( verbosity > 0 ) console.log("looks like maybe mavlink1 (0xfe) data when trying to parse mavlink2");
if ((version == '1.0') && (message._msgbuf[0] == 0xfd)) {
if ( verbosity > 0 ) console.log("looks like maybe mavlink2 (0xfd) data when trying to parse mavlink1");
process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
let chunk;
while ((chunk = !== null) {
var str = "".concat(chunk);
str2 = str.split(" ").join("");
lines = str2.split("\n");// .join("");
lines.forEach( e => {
if (e == "") return;
var array_of_chars = Buffer.from(e,'hex');
m = mav.parseBuffer();
} );
// little summary at the end
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
console.log("\n\nunique packet types:"+Object.keys(packet_types).length);
if ((goodpacketcount != 0 ) || (unknownbytecount != 0 ) ){
console.log("good packets :"+goodpacketcount); goodpacketcount=0;
console.log("unhandled bytes :"+unknownbytecount+"\n");