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113 lines
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# Kawaii-gcc かわいいGCC
Make your GCC compiler kawaii~!
This project makes the output messages from GCC compiler looks kawaii by editing the localization file of GCC.
Everyone is welcomed to contribute and add more kawaii messages!
## How to use it?
### Linux (in an Ubuntu example)
> [Demo Video on YouTube(Japanese)](https://youtu.be/ASWBU8HhvY0)
- Install Japanese for your terminal (if not installed)
sudo apt-get install language-pack-ja language-pack-gnome-ja language-pack-ja-base language-pack-gnome-ja-base
- Install `gcc` , `gettext` and `g++`.
sudo apt-get install gcc gettext g++
- Install `gcc locales`
Check your gcc main version number by:
gcc -v
It is 12.3.0 on my end. So the main version number is 12.
sudo apt-get install gcc-12-locales
- Find your gcc language file. Defaultly, it should be found in `/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/gcc.mo`. However, it is also possible that you cannot find the file or the file is named as `gcc-12.mo`. If there's a related file, back up it. (eg. `sudo mv gcc-12.mo gcc-12.mo.bak`) Don't worry if there's no such file, you need to do nothing.
- Use the following command to download the `mo` file in the project and copy it to the path.
sudo wget https://github.com/Bill-Haku/kawaii-gcc/raw/main/prebuilt/gcc.mo -O /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/gcc-12.mo
> The `gcc.po` is the localization file for ja_JP, and the `gcc-zh.po` is the localization file for zh_CN. See the [Chinese version README](./README-zh.md) document for more details.
You can also rebuild the binary file by yourself:
msgfmt gcc.po -o gcc.mo
sudo cp gcc.mo /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/gcc-12.mo
Regarding to the file name:
- If you found an existed file in the last step, use the existed file name.
- if not, try `gcc-<MAIN VERSION NUMBER>.mo` first, and if it doesn't work, rename it to `gcc.mo`.
- Change terminal environmental variables into Japanese:
vim ~/.bashrc
# Add the following lines
export LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8"
export LANGUAGE="ja_JP.UTF-8"
# Save it in Vim
source ~/.bashrc
- Now your GCC has become kawaii~!
You can have a try with the `test.cc` provided in the project.
gcc test.cc -Wall
# -Wall makes GCC output all the warning messages.
### Windows
- Install [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com)
- Download and run [setup-x86_64.exe](https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe)
- Choose `Install from Internet` at the step of `Select Packages`.
- At the step of `Select Packages`, Set `View` as `Category` and search and select the versions of `gcc-core`, `gcc-g++` and `gettext` under the ALL/Devel panel.
- Suppose your `Cygwin` install directory is `<DIR>` (Defaultly it should be `C:\cygwin`), add the directory `<DIR>\bin` to the Environment Variable `Path`. If there's `mingw` in the `Path`, delete it or move it under the `<DIR>\bin`. Add another Environment Variable `LANG`, and set the value of it into `ja_JP.UTF-8`.
- Move the `gcc.mo` file in the `./prebuilt` directory of this repository to `<DIR>\usr\share\locale\ja\LC_MESSAGES`, keep naming it as `gcc.mo`. Backuping the existed `gcc.mo` file is suggested.
### macOS
Not implemented yet. Contribution welcomed!
## Star History

## Special Thanks
This project is inspired by [`gcc-hentai`](https://github.com/Mosklia/gcc-hentai). It was a Chinese project, and I created this repo to make a Japanese version and share it to Japanese users. I added the new text, edited and completed some details in the use instructions, and made a video in Japanese to share it. The video got unexpected attention in Chinese users on Bilibili, so I added contents of Chinese in it. Thanks for the sharing and the open-source spirit of the original authors.