#pragma once #ifdef MAVLINK_USE_MESSAGE_INFO #define MAVLINK_HAVE_GET_MESSAGE_INFO /* return the message_info struct for a message */ MAVLINK_HELPER const mavlink_message_info_t *mavlink_get_message_info_by_id(uint32_t msgid) { static const mavlink_message_info_t mavlink_message_info[] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFO; /* use a bisection search to find the right entry. A perfect hash may be better Note that this assumes the table is sorted with primary key msgid */ const uint32_t count = sizeof(mavlink_message_info)/sizeof(mavlink_message_info[0]); if (count == 0) { return NULL; } uint32_t low=0, high=count-1; while (low < high) { uint32_t mid = (low+high)/2; if (msgid < mavlink_message_info[mid].msgid) { high = mid; continue; } if (msgid > mavlink_message_info[mid].msgid) { low = mid+1; continue; } return &mavlink_message_info[mid]; } if (mavlink_message_info[low].msgid == msgid) { return &mavlink_message_info[low]; } return NULL; } /* return the message_info struct for a message */ MAVLINK_HELPER const mavlink_message_info_t *mavlink_get_message_info(const mavlink_message_t *msg) { return mavlink_get_message_info_by_id(msg->msgid); } /* return the message_info struct for a message */ MAVLINK_HELPER const mavlink_message_info_t *mavlink_get_message_info_by_name(const char *name) { static const struct { const char *name; uint32_t msgid; } mavlink_message_names[] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_NAMES; /* use a bisection search to find the right entry. A perfect hash may be better Note that this assumes the table is sorted with primary key name */ const uint32_t count = sizeof(mavlink_message_names)/sizeof(mavlink_message_names[0]); if (count == 0) { return NULL; } uint32_t low=0, high=count-1; while (low < high) { uint32_t mid = (low+high)/2; int cmp = strcmp(mavlink_message_names[mid].name, name); if (cmp > 0) { high = mid; continue; } if (cmp < 0) { low = mid+1; continue; } low = mid; break; } if (strcmp(mavlink_message_names[low].name, name) == 0) { return mavlink_get_message_info_by_id(mavlink_message_names[low].msgid); } return NULL; } #endif // MAVLINK_USE_MESSAGE_INFO