#!/bin/bash # This requires the python future library # On MS windows, cygwin usually does not provide that. # The workaround is then to issue on a cygwin prompt: # easy_install-2.7 pip # pip install future set -e set -x test -z "$MDEF" && MDEF="../message_definitions" # MAVLINK_DIALECT=ardupilotmega python setup.py clean build install --user tools/mavgen.py --lang C $MDEF/v1.0/all.xml -o generator/C/include_v1.0 --wire-protocol=1.0 tools/mavgen.py --lang C $MDEF/v1.0/all.xml -o generator/C/include_v2.0 --wire-protocol=2.0 tools/mavgen.py --lang C++11 $MDEF/v1.0/all.xml -o generator/CPP11/include_v2.0 --wire-protocol=2.0 pushd generator/C/test/posix make clean testmav1.0_ardupilotmega testmav2.0_ardupilotmega # these test tools emit the test packet as hexadecimal and human-readable, other tools consume it as a cross-reference, we ignore the hex here. ./testmav1.0_ardupilotmega | egrep -v '(^fe|^fd)' ./testmav2.0_ardupilotmega | egrep -v '(^fe|^fd)' popd pushd generator/CPP11/test/posix make clean all popd