#!/usr/bin/env python ''' parse a MAVLink protocol XML file and generate an Objective-C implementation Copyright John Boiles 2013 Released under GNU GPL version 3 or later ''' from __future__ import print_function import os from . import mavparse, mavtemplate t = mavtemplate.MAVTemplate() def generate_mavlink(directory, xml): '''generate MVMavlink header and implementation''' f = open(os.path.join(directory, "MVMavlink.h"), mode='w') t.write(f,''' // // MVMavlink.h // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created on ${parse_time} by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "MVMessage.h" ${{message_definition_files:#import "MV${name_camel_case}Messages.h" }} @class MVMavlink; @protocol MVMessage; @protocol MVMavlinkDelegate /*! Method called on the delegate when a full message has been received. Note that this may be called multiple times when parseData: is called, if the data passed to parseData: contains multiple messages. @param mavlink The MVMavlink object calling this method @param message The id class containing the parsed message */ - (void)mavlink:(MVMavlink *)mavlink didGetMessage:(id)message; /*! Method called on the delegate when data should be sent. @param mavlink The MVMavlink object calling this method @param data NSData object containing the bytes to be sent */ - (BOOL)mavlink:(MVMavlink *)mavlink shouldWriteData:(NSData *)data; @end /*! Class for parsing and sending instances of id @discussion MVMavlink receives a stream of bytes via the parseData: method and calls the delegate method mavlink:didGetMessage: each time a message is fully parsed. Users of MVMavlink can call parseData: anytime they get new data, even if that data does not contain a complete message. */ @interface MVMavlink : NSObject @property (weak, nonatomic) id delegate; /*! Parse byte data received from a MAVLink byte stream. @param data NSData containing the received bytes */ - (void)parseData:(NSData *)data; /*! Compile MVMessage object into a bytes and pass to the delegate for sending. @param message Object conforming to the MVMessage protocol that represents the data to be sent @return YES if message sending was successful */ - (BOOL)sendMessage:(id)message; @end ''', xml) f.close() f = open(os.path.join(directory, "MVMavlink.m"), mode='w') t.write(f,''' // // MVMavlink.m // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "MVMavlink.h" @implementation MVMavlink - (void)parseData:(NSData *)data { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_status_t status; char *bytes = (char *)[data bytes]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [data length]; ++i) { if (mavlink_parse_char(MAVLINK_COMM_0, bytes[i], &msg, &status)) { // Packet received id message = [MVMessage messageWithCMessage:msg]; [_delegate mavlink:self didGetMessage:message]; } } } - (BOOL)sendMessage:(id)message { return [_delegate mavlink:self shouldWriteData:[message data]]; } @end ''', xml) f.close() def generate_base_message(directory, xml): '''Generate base MVMessage header and implementation''' f = open(os.path.join(directory, 'MVMessage.h'), mode='w') t.write(f, ''' // // MVMessage.h // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "mavlink.h" @protocol MVMessage - (id)initWithCMessage:(mavlink_message_t)message; - (NSData *)data; @property (readonly, nonatomic) mavlink_message_t message; @end @interface MVMessage : NSObject { mavlink_message_t _message; } /*! Create an MVMessage subclass from a mavlink_message_t. @param message Struct containing the details of the message @result MVMessage or subclass representing the message */ + (id)messageWithCMessage:(mavlink_message_t)message; //! System ID of the sender of the message. - (uint8_t)systemId; //! Component ID of the sender of the message. - (uint8_t)componentId; //! Message ID of this message. - (uint8_t)messageId; @end ''', xml) f.close() f = open(os.path.join(directory, 'MVMessage.m'), mode='w') t.write(f, ''' // // MVMessage.m // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "MVMessage.h" ${{message_definition_files:#import "MV${name_camel_case}Messages.h" }} @implementation MVMessage @synthesize message=_message; + (id)messageWithCMessage:(mavlink_message_t)message { static NSDictionary *messageIdToClass = nil; if (!messageIdToClass) { messageIdToClass = @{ ${{message: @${id} : [MVMessage${name_camel_case} class], }} }; } Class messageClass = messageIdToClass[@(message.msgid)]; // Store unknown messages to MVMessage if (!messageClass) { messageClass = [MVMessage class]; } return [[messageClass alloc] initWithCMessage:message]; } - (id)initWithCMessage:(mavlink_message_t)message { if ((self = [super init])) { self->_message = message; } return self; } - (NSData *)data { uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; NSInteger length = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &self->_message); return [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:length]; } - (uint8_t)systemId { return self->_message.sysid; } - (uint8_t)componentId { return self->_message.compid; } - (uint8_t)messageId { return self->_message.msgid; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, systemId=%d, componentId=%d", [self class], self.systemId, self.componentId]; } @end ''', xml) f.close() def generate_message_definitions_h(directory, xml): '''generate headerfile containing includes for all messages''' f = open(os.path.join(directory, "MV" + camel_case_from_underscores(xml.basename) + "Messages.h"), mode='w') t.write(f, ''' // // MV${basename_camel_case}Messages.h // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // ${{message:#import "MVMessage${name_camel_case}.h" }} ''', xml) f.close() def generate_message(directory, m): '''generate per-message header and implementation file''' f = open(os.path.join(directory, 'MVMessage%s.h' % m.name_camel_case), mode='w') t.write(f, ''' // // MVMessage${name_camel_case}.h // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "MVMessage.h" /*! Class that represents a ${name} Mavlink message. @discussion ${description} */ @interface MVMessage${name_camel_case} : MVMessage - (id)initWithSystemId:(uint8_t)systemId componentId:(uint8_t)componentId${{arg_fields: ${name_lower_camel_case}:(${arg_type}${array_prefix})${name_lower_camel_case}}}; ${{fields://! ${description} - (${return_type})${name_lower_camel_case}${get_arg_objc}; }} @end ''', m) f.close() f = open(os.path.join(directory, 'MVMessage%s.m' % m.name_camel_case), mode='w') t.write(f, ''' // // MVMessage${name_camel_case}.m // MAVLink communications protocol built from ${basename}.xml // // Created by mavgen_objc.py // https://mavlink.io/en/ // #import "MVMessage${name_camel_case}.h" @implementation MVMessage${name_camel_case} - (id)initWithSystemId:(uint8_t)systemId componentId:(uint8_t)componentId${{arg_fields: ${name_lower_camel_case}:(${arg_type}${array_prefix})${name_lower_camel_case}}} { if ((self = [super init])) { mavlink_msg_${name_lower}_pack(systemId, componentId, &(self->_message)${{arg_fields:, ${name_lower_camel_case}}}); } return self; } ${{fields:- (${return_type})${name_lower_camel_case}${get_arg_objc} { ${return_method_implementation} } }} - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@${{fields:, ${name_lower_camel_case}=${print_format}}}", [super description]${{fields:, ${get_message}}}]; } @end ''', m) f.close() def camel_case_from_underscores(string): """generate a CamelCase string from an underscore_string.""" components = string.split('_') string = '' for component in components: string += component[0].upper() + component[1:] return string def lower_camel_case_from_underscores(string): """generate a lower-cased camelCase string from an underscore_string. For example: my_variable_name -> myVariableName""" components = string.split('_') string = components[0] for component in components[1:]: string += component[0].upper() + component[1:] return string def generate_shared(basename, xml_list): # Create a dictionary to hold all the values we want to use in the templates template_dict = {} template_dict['parse_time'] = xml_list[0].parse_time template_dict['message'] = [] template_dict['message_definition_files'] = [] print("Generating Objective-C implementation in directory %s" % basename) mavparse.mkdir_p(basename) for xml in xml_list: template_dict['message'].extend(xml.message) basename_camel_case = camel_case_from_underscores(xml.basename) template_dict['message_definition_files'].append({'name_camel_case': basename_camel_case}) if not template_dict.get('basename', None): template_dict['basename'] = xml.basename else: template_dict['basename'] = template_dict['basename'] + ', ' + xml.basename # Sort messages by ID template_dict['message'] = sorted(template_dict['message'], key = lambda message : message.id) # Add name_camel_case to each message object for message in template_dict['message']: message.name_camel_case = camel_case_from_underscores(message.name_lower) generate_mavlink(basename, template_dict) generate_base_message(basename, template_dict) def generate_message_definitions(basename, xml): '''generate files for one XML file''' directory = os.path.join(basename, xml.basename) print("Generating Objective-C implementation in directory %s" % directory) mavparse.mkdir_p(directory) xml.basename_camel_case = camel_case_from_underscores(xml.basename) # Add some extra field attributes for convenience for m in xml.message: m.basename = xml.basename m.parse_time = xml.parse_time m.name_camel_case = camel_case_from_underscores(m.name_lower) for f in m.fields: f.name_lower_camel_case = lower_camel_case_from_underscores(f.name); f.get_message = "[self %s]" % f.name_lower_camel_case f.return_method_implementation = '' f.array_prefix = '' f.array_return_arg = '' f.get_arg = '' f.get_arg_objc = '' if f.enum: f.return_type = f.enum f.arg_type = f.enum else: f.return_type = f.type f.arg_type = f.type if f.print_format is None: if f.array_length != 0: f.print_format = "%@" elif f.type.startswith('uint64_t'): f.print_format = "%lld" elif f.type.startswith('uint') or f.type.startswith('int'): f.print_format = "%d" elif f.type.startswith('float'): f.print_format = "%f" elif f.type.startswith('char'): f.print_format = "%c" else: print("print_format unsupported for type %s" % f.type) if f.array_length != 0: f.get_message = '@"[array of %s[%d]]"' % (f.type, f.array_length) f.array_prefix = ' *' f.array_return_arg = '%s, %u, ' % (f.name, f.array_length) f.return_type = 'uint16_t' f.get_arg = ', %s' % (f.name) f.get_arg_objc = ':(%s *)%s' % (f.type, f.name) if f.type == 'char': # Special handling for strings (assumes all char arrays are strings) f.return_type = 'NSString *' f.get_arg_objc = '' f.get_message = "[self %s]" % f.name_lower_camel_case f.return_method_implementation = \ """char string[%(array_length)d]; mavlink_msg_%(message_name_lower)s_get_%(name)s(&(self->_message), (char *)&string); return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:string length:%(array_length)d encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];""" % {'array_length': f.array_length, 'message_name_lower': m.name_lower, 'name': f.name} if not f.return_method_implementation: f.return_method_implementation = \ """return mavlink_msg_%(message_name_lower)s_get_%(name)s(&(self->_message)%(get_arg)s);""" % {'message_name_lower': m.name_lower, 'name': f.name, 'get_arg': f.get_arg} for m in xml.message: m.arg_fields = [] for f in m.fields: if not f.omit_arg: m.arg_fields.append(f) generate_message_definitions_h(directory, xml) for m in xml.message: generate_message(directory, m) def generate(basename, xml_list): '''generate complete MAVLink Objective-C implemenation''' generate_shared(basename, xml_list) for xml in xml_list: generate_message_definitions(basename, xml)