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import Foundation
/// Common protocol for all MAVLink entities which describes types
/// metadata properties.
public protocol MAVLinkEntity: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// Original MAVLink enum name (from declarations xml)
static var typeName: String { get }
/// Compact type description
static var typeDescription: String { get }
/// Verbose type description
static var typeDebugDescription: String { get }
// MARK: - Enumeration protocol
/// Enumeration protocol description with common for all MAVLink enums
/// properties requirements.
public protocol Enumeration: RawRepresentable, Equatable, MAVLinkEntity {
/// Array with all members of current enum
static var allMembers: [Self] { get }
// Array with `Name` - `Description` tuples (values from declarations xml file)
static var membersDescriptions: [(String, String)] { get }
/// `ENUM_END` flag for checking if enum case value is valid
static var enumEnd: UInt { get }
/// Original MAVLinks enum member name (as declared in definition's xml file)
var memberName: String { get }
/// Specific member description from definitions xml
var memberDescription: String { get }
/// Enumeration protocol default behaviour implementation.
extension Enumeration {
public static var typeDebugDescription: String {
let cases = allMembers.map({ $0.debugDescription }).joined(separator: "\\n\\t")
return "Enum \(typeName): \(typeDescription)\\nMembers:\\n\\t\(cases)"
public var description: String {
return memberName
public var debugDescription: String {
return "\(memberName): \(memberDescription)"
public var memberName: String {
return Self.membersDescriptions[Self.allMembers.index(of: self)!].0
public var memberDescription: String {
return Self.membersDescriptions[Self.allMembers.index(of: self)!].1
// MARK: - MAVLinkBitmask protocol
public protocol MAVLinkBitmask: OptionSet, MAVLinkEntity {
/// Array with all members of current bitmask
static var allMembers: [Self.Element] { get }
// Array with `Name` - `Description` tuples (values from declarations xml file)
static var membersDescriptions: [(String, String)] { get }
/// `ENUM_END` flag for checking if enum case value is valid
static var enumEnd: UInt { get }
/// Original MAVLinks enum member name (as declared in definition's xml file)
var usedMemberName: [String] { get }
/// Specific member description from definitions xml
var usedMemberDescriptions: [String] { get }
/// MAVLinkBitmask protocol default behaviour implementation.
extension MAVLinkBitmask {
public static var typeDebugDescription: String {
let cases = membersDescriptions.map { "\($0.0): \($0.1)" }.joined(separator: "\\n\\t")
return "Bitmask \(typeName): \(typeDescription)\\nMembers:\\n\\t\(cases)"
public var description: String {
return metadataForUsedMembers().map { $0.1 }.joined(separator:", ")
public var debugDescription: String {
let usedValuesExplained = metadataForUsedMembers().map {
"\($0.0): \($0.1)"
}.joined(separator: "\n")
return usedValuesExplained
public var usedMemberName: [String] {
return metadataForUsedMembers().map { $0.0 }
public var usedMemberDescriptions: [String] {
return metadataForUsedMembers().map { $0.1 }
private func metadataForUsedMembers() -> [(String, String)] {
return zip(Self.allMembers, Self.membersDescriptions).filter {
}.map {
// MARK: - Message protocol
/// Message field definition tuple.
public typealias FieldDefinition = (name: String, offset: Int, type: String, length: UInt, description: String)
/// Message protocol describes all common MAVLink messages properties and
/// methods requirements.
public protocol Message: MAVLinkEntity {
static var id: UInt8 { get }
static var payloadLength: UInt8 { get }
/// Array of tuples with field definition info
static var fieldDefinitions: [FieldDefinition] { get }
/// All field's names and values of current Message
var allFields: [(String, Any)] { get }
/// Initialize Message from received data.
/// - parameter data: Data to decode.
/// - throws: Throws `ParseError` or `ParseEnumError` if any parsing errors
/// occur.
init(data: Data) throws
/// Returns `Data` representation of current `Message` struct guided
/// by format from `fieldDefinitions`.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError` if any of message fields do not comply
/// format from `fieldDefinitions`.
/// - returns: Receiver's `Data` representation
func pack() throws -> Data
/// Message protocol default behaviour implementation.
extension Message {
public static var payloadLength: UInt8 {
return messageLengths[id] ?? Packet.Constant.maxPayloadLength
public static var typeDebugDescription: String {
let fields = fieldDefinitions.map({ "\($0.name): \($0.type): \($0.description)" }).joined(separator: "\n\t")
return "Struct \(typeName): \(typeDescription)\nFields:\n\t\(fields)"
public var description: String {
let describeField: ((String, Any)) -> String = { (arg) in
let (name, value) = arg
let valueString = value is String ? "\"\(value)\"" : value
return "\(name): \(valueString)"
let fieldsDescription = allFields.map(describeField).joined(separator: ", ")
return "\(type(of: self))(\(fieldsDescription))"
public var debugDescription: String {
let describeFieldVerbose: ((String, Any)) -> String = { (arg) in
let (name, value) = arg
let valueString = value is String ? "\"\(value)\"" : value
let (_, _, _, _, description) = Self.fieldDefinitions.filter { $0.name == name }.first!
return "\(name) = \(valueString) : \(description)"
let fieldsDescription = allFields.map(describeFieldVerbose).joined(separator: "\n\t")
return "\(Self.typeName): \(Self.typeDescription)\nFields:\n\t\(fieldsDescription)"
public var allFields: [(String, Any)] {
var result: [(String, Any)] = []
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
result.append((label, value))
return result
// MARK: - Type aliases
public typealias Channel = UInt8
// MARK: - Errors
public protocol MAVLinkError: Error, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible { }
// MARK: Parsing error enumeration
/// Parsing errors
public enum ParseError: MAVLinkError {
/// Size of expected number is larger than receiver's data length.
/// - offset: Expected number offset in received data.
/// - size: Expected number size in bytes.
/// - upperBound: The number of bytes in the data.
case valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: Int, size: Int, upperBound: Int)
/// Data contains non ASCII characters.
/// - offset: String offset in received data.
/// - length: Expected length of string to read.
case invalidStringEncoding(offset: Int, length: Int)
/// Length check of payload for known `messageId` did fail.
/// - messageId: Id of expected `Message` type.
/// - receivedLength: Received payload length.
/// - properLength: Expected payload length for `Message` type.
case invalidPayloadLength(messageId: UInt8, receivedLength: UInt8, expectedLength: UInt8)
/// Received `messageId` was not recognized so we can't create appropriate
/// `Message`.
/// - messageId: Id of the message that was not found in the known message
/// list (`messageIdToClass` array).
case unknownMessageId(messageId: UInt8)
/// Checksum check failed. Message id is known but calculated CRC bytes
/// do not match received CRC value.
/// - messageId: Id of expected `Message` type.
case badCRC(messageId: UInt8)
extension ParseError {
/// Textual representation used when written to output stream.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .valueSizeOutOfBounds:
return "ParseError.valueSizeOutOfBounds"
case .invalidStringEncoding:
return "ParseError.invalidStringEncoding"
case .invalidPayloadLength:
return "ParseError.invalidPayloadLength"
case .unknownMessageId:
return "ParseError.unknownMessageId"
case .badCRC:
return "ParseError.badCRC"
/// Debug textual representation used when written to output stream, which
/// includes all associated values and their labels.
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset, size, upperBound):
return "ParseError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: \(offset), size: \(size), upperBound: \(upperBound))"
case let .invalidStringEncoding(offset, length):
return "ParseError.invalidStringEncoding(offset: \(offset), length: \(length))"
case let .invalidPayloadLength(messageId, receivedLength, expectedLength):
return "ParseError.invalidPayloadLength(messageId: \(messageId), receivedLength: \(receivedLength), expectedLength: \(expectedLength))"
case let .unknownMessageId(messageId):
return "ParseError.unknownMessageId(messageId: \(messageId))"
case let .badCRC(messageId):
return "ParseError.badCRC(messageId: \(messageId))"
// MARK: Parsing enumeration error
/// Special error type for returning Enum parsing errors with details in associated
/// values (types of these values are not compatible with `ParseError` enum).
public enum ParseEnumError<T: RawRepresentable>: MAVLinkError {
/// Enumeration case with `rawValue` at `valueOffset` was not found in
/// `enumType` enumeration.
/// - enumType: Type of expected enumeration.
/// - rawValue: Raw value that was not found in `enumType`.
/// - valueOffset: Value offset in received payload data.
case unknownValue(enumType: T.Type, rawValue: T.RawValue, valueOffset: Int)
extension ParseEnumError {
/// Textual representation used when written to the output stream.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .unknownValue:
return "ParseEnumError.unknownValue"
/// Debug textual representation used when written to the output stream, which
/// includes all associated values and their labels.
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .unknownValue(enumType, rawValue, valueOffset):
return "ParseEnumError.unknownValue(enumType: \(enumType), rawValue: \(rawValue), valueOffset: \(valueOffset))"
// MARK: Packing errors
/// Errors that can occur while packing `Message` for sending.
public enum PackError: MAVLinkError {
/// Size of received value (together with offset) is out of receiver's length.
/// - offset: Expected value offset in payload.
/// - size: Provided field value size in bytes.
/// - upperBound: Available payload length.
case valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: Int, size: Int, upperBound: Int)
/// Length check for provided field value did fail.
/// - offset: Expected value offset in payload.
/// - providedValueLength: Count of elements (characters) in provided value.
/// - allowedLength: Maximum number of elements (characters) allowed in field.
case invalidValueLength(offset: Int, providedValueLength: Int, allowedLength: Int)
/// String field contains non ASCII characters.
/// - offset: Expected value offset in payload.
/// - string: Original string.
case invalidStringEncoding(offset: Int, string: String)
/// CRC extra byte not found for provided `messageId` type.
/// - messageId: Id of message type.
case crcExtraNotFound(messageId: UInt8)
/// Packet finalization process failed due to `message` absence.
case messageNotSet
extension PackError {
/// Textual representation used when written to the output stream.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .valueSizeOutOfBounds:
return "PackError.valueSizeOutOfBounds"
case .invalidValueLength:
return "PackError.invalidValueLength"
case .invalidStringEncoding:
return "PackError.invalidStringEncoding"
case .crcExtraNotFound:
return "PackError.crcExtraNotFound"
case .messageNotSet:
return "PackError.messageNotSet"
/// Debug textual representation used when written to the output stream, which
/// includes all associated values and their labels.
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset, size, upperBound):
return "PackError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: \(offset), size: \(size), upperBound: \(upperBound))"
case let .invalidValueLength(offset, providedValueLength, allowedLength):
return "PackError.invalidValueLength(offset: \(offset), providedValueLength: \(providedValueLength), allowedLength: \(allowedLength))"
case let .invalidStringEncoding(offset, string):
return "PackError.invalidStringEncoding(offset: \(offset), string: \(string))"
case let .crcExtraNotFound(messageId):
return "PackError.crcExtraNotFound(messageId: \(messageId))"
case .messageNotSet:
return "PackError.messageNotSet"
// MARK: - Delegate protocol
/// Alternative way to receive parsed Messages, finalized packet's data and all
/// errors is to implement this protocol and set as `MAVLink`'s delegate.
public protocol MAVLinkDelegate: class {
/// Called when MAVLink packet is successfully received, payload length
/// and CRC checks are passed.
/// - parameter packet: Completely received `Packet`.
/// - parameter channel: Channel on which `packet` was received.
/// - parameter link: `MAVLink` object that handled `packet`.
func didReceive(packet: Packet, on channel: Channel, via link: MAVLink)
/// Packet receiving failed due to `InvalidPayloadLength` or `BadCRC` error.
/// - parameter packet: Partially received `Packet`.
/// - parameter error: Error that occurred while receiving `data`
/// (`InvalidPayloadLength` or `BadCRC` error).
/// - parameter channel: Channel on which `packet` was received.
/// - parameter link: `MAVLink` object that received `data`.
func didFailToReceive(packet: Packet?, with error: MAVLinkError, on channel: Channel, via link: MAVLink)
/// Called when received data was successfully parsed into appropriate
/// `message` structure.
/// - parameter message: Successfully parsed `Message`.
/// - parameter packet: Completely received `Packet`.
/// - parameter channel: Channel on which `message` was received.
/// - parameter link: `MAVLink` object that handled `packet`.
func didParse(message: Message, from packet: Packet, on channel: Channel, via link: MAVLink)
/// Called when `packet` completely received but `MAVLink` was not able to
/// finish `Message` processing due to unknown `messageId` or type validation
/// errors.
/// - parameter packet: Completely received `Packet`.
/// - parameter error: Error that occurred while parsing `packet`'s
/// payload into `Message`.
/// - parameter channel: Channel on which `message` was received.
/// - parameter link: `MAVLink` object that handled `packet`.
func didFailToParseMessage(from packet: Packet, with error: MAVLinkError, on channel: Channel, via link: MAVLink)
/// Called when message is finalized and ready for sending to aircraft.
/// - parameter message: Message to be sent.
/// - parameter data: Compiled data that represents `message`.
/// - parameter channel: Channel on which `message` should be sent.
/// - parameter link: `MAVLink` object that handled `message`.
func didFinalize(message: Message, from packet: Packet, to data: Data, on channel: Channel, in link: MAVLink)
// MARK: - Classes implementations
/// Main MAVLink class, performs `Packet` receiving, recognition, validation,
/// `Message` structure creation and `Message` packing, finalizing for sending.
/// Also returns errors through delegation if any errors occurred.
/// - warning: Supports only 1.0 version of the MAVlink wire protocol.
public class MAVLink {
/// States for the parsing state machine.
enum ParseState {
case uninit
case idle
case gotStx
case gotSequence
case gotLength
case gotSystemId
case gotComponentId
case gotMessageId
case gotPayload
case gotCRC1
case gotBadCRC1
enum Framing: UInt8 {
case incomplete = 0
case ok = 1
case badCRC = 2
/// Storage for MAVLink parsed packets count, states and errors statistics.
class Status {
/// Number of received packets
var packetReceived: Framing = .incomplete
/// Number of parse errors
var parseError: UInt8 = 0
/// Parsing state machine
var parseState: ParseState = .uninit
/// Sequence number of the last received packet
var currentRxSeq: UInt8 = 0
/// Sequence number of the last sent packet
var currentTxSeq: UInt8 = 0
/// Received packets
var packetRxSuccessCount: UInt16 = 0
/// Number of packet drops
var packetRxDropCount: UInt16 = 0
/// MAVLink Packets and States buffers
let channelBuffers = (0 ..< Channel.max).map({ _ in Packet() })
let channelStatuses = (0 ..< Channel.max).map({ _ in Status() })
/// Object to pass received packets, messages, errors, finalized data to.
public weak var delegate: MAVLinkDelegate?
/// Enable this option to check the length of each message. This allows
/// invalid messages to be caught much sooner. Use it if the transmission
/// medium is prone to missing (or extra) characters (e.g. a radio that
/// fades in and out). Use only if the channel will contain message
/// types listed in the headers.
public var checkMessageLength = true
/// Use one extra CRC that is added to the message CRC to detect mismatches
/// in the message specifications. This is to prevent that two devices using
/// different message versions incorrectly decode a message with the same
/// length. Defined as `let` as we support only the latest version (1.0) of
/// the MAVLink wire protocol.
public let crcExtra = true
public init() { }
/// This is a convenience function which handles the complete MAVLink
/// parsing. The function will parse one byte at a time and return the
/// complete packet once it could be successfully decoded. Checksum and
/// other failures will be delegated to `delegate`.
/// - parameter char: The char to parse.
/// - parameter channel: Id of the current channel. This allows to parse
/// different channels with this function. A channel is not a physical
/// message channel like a serial port, but a logic partition of the
/// communication streams in this case.
/// - returns: Returns `nil` if packet could be decoded at the moment,
/// the `Packet` structure else.
public func parse(char: UInt8, channel: Channel) -> Packet? {
/// Function to check if current char is Stx byte. If current char is
/// STX, modifies current rxpack and status.
func handleSTX(char: UInt8, rxpack: Packet, status: Status) {
if char == Packet.Constant.packetStx {
rxpack.length = 0
rxpack.channel = channel
rxpack.magic = char
status.parseState = .gotStx
let rxpack = channelBuffers[Int(channel)]
let status = channelStatuses[Int(channel)]
status.packetReceived = .incomplete
switch status.parseState {
case .uninit, .idle:
handleSTX(char: char, rxpack: rxpack, status: status)
case .gotStx:
rxpack.length = char
rxpack.payload.count = 0
status.parseState = .gotLength
case .gotLength:
rxpack.sequence = char
status.parseState = .gotSequence
case .gotSequence:
rxpack.systemId = char
status.parseState = .gotSystemId
case .gotSystemId:
rxpack.componentId = char
status.parseState = .gotComponentId
case .gotComponentId:
// Check Message length if `checkMessageLength` enabled and
// `messageLengths` contains proper id. If `messageLengths` does not
// contain info for current messageId, parsing will fail later on CRC check.
if checkMessageLength {
let messageLength = messageLengths[char] ?? 0
if rxpack.length != messageLength {
status.parseError += 1
status.parseState = .idle
let error = ParseError.invalidPayloadLength(messageId: char, receivedLength: rxpack.length, expectedLength: messageLength)
delegate?.didFailToReceive(packet: nil, with: error, on: channel, via: self)
rxpack.messageId = char
if rxpack.length == 0 {
status.parseState = .gotPayload
} else {
status.parseState = .gotMessageId
case .gotMessageId:
if rxpack.payload.count == Int(rxpack.length) {
status.parseState = .gotPayload
case .gotPayload:
if crcExtra && (messageCRCsExtra[rxpack.messageId] != nil) {
if char != rxpack.checksum.lowByte {
status.parseState = .gotBadCRC1
} else {
status.parseState = .gotCRC1
case .gotCRC1, .gotBadCRC1:
if (status.parseState == .gotBadCRC1) || (char != rxpack.checksum.highByte) {
status.parseError += 1
status.packetReceived = .badCRC
let error = messageIdToClass[rxpack.messageId] == nil ? ParseError.unknownMessageId(messageId: rxpack.messageId) : ParseError.badCRC(messageId: rxpack.messageId)
delegate?.didFailToReceive(packet: Packet(packet: rxpack), with: error, on: channel, via: self)
handleSTX(char: char, rxpack: rxpack, status: status)
} else {
// Successfully got message
status.packetReceived = .ok
status.parseState = .idle
defer {
// Сollect stat here
status.parseError = 0
// If a packet has been successfully received
guard status.packetReceived == .ok else {
return nil
// Copy and delegate received packet
let packet = Packet(packet: rxpack)
delegate?.didReceive(packet: packet, on: channel, via: self)
status.currentRxSeq = rxpack.sequence
// Initial condition: If no packet has been received so far, drop count is undefined
if status.packetRxSuccessCount == 0 {
status.packetRxDropCount = 0
// Count this packet as received
status.packetRxSuccessCount = status.packetRxSuccessCount &+ 1
// Try to create appropriate Message structure, delegate results
guard let messageClass = messageIdToClass[packet.messageId] else {
let error = ParseError.unknownMessageId(messageId: rxpack.messageId)
delegate?.didFailToParseMessage(from: packet, with: error, on: channel, via: self)
return packet
do {
packet.message = try messageClass.init(data: rxpack.payload)
delegate?.didParse(message: packet.message!, from: packet, on: channel, via: self)
} catch {
delegate?.didFailToParseMessage(from: packet, with: error as! MAVLinkError, on: channel, via: self)
return packet
return packet
/// Parse new portion of data, then call `messageHandler` if new message
/// is available.
/// - parameter data: Data to be parsed.
/// - parameter channel: Id of the current channel. This allows to
/// parse different channels with this function. A channel is not a physical
/// message channel like a serial port, but a logic partition of the
/// communication streams in this case.
/// - parameter messageHandler: The message handler to call when the
/// provided data is enough to complete message parsing. Unless you have
/// provided a custom delegate, this parameter must not be `nil`, because
/// there is no other way to retrieve the parsed message and packet.
public func parse(data: Data, channel: Channel, messageHandler: ((Message, Packet) -> Void)? = nil) {
data.forEach { byte in
if let packet = parse(char: byte, channel: channel), let message = packet.message, let messageHandler = messageHandler {
messageHandler(message, packet)
/// Prepare `message` bytes for sending, pass to `delegate` for further
/// processing and increase sequence counter.
/// - parameter message: Message to be compiled into bytes and sent.
/// - parameter systemId: Id of the sending (this) system.
/// - parameter componentId: Id of the sending component.
/// - parameter channel: Id of the current channel.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
public func dispatch(message: Message, systemId: UInt8, componentId: UInt8, channel: Channel) throws {
let channelStatus = channelStatuses[Int(channel)]
let packet = Packet(message: message, systemId: systemId, componentId: componentId, channel: channel)
let data = try packet.finalize(sequence: channelStatus.currentTxSeq)
delegate?.didFinalize(message: message, from: packet, to: data, on: channel, in: self)
channelStatus.currentTxSeq = channelStatus.currentTxSeq &+ 1
/// MAVLink Packet structure to store received data that is not full message yet.
/// Contains additional to Message info like channel, system id, component id
/// and raw payload data, etc. Also used to store and transfer received data of
/// unknown or corrupted Messages.
/// [More details](https://mavlink.io/en).
public class Packet {
/// MAVlink Packet constants
struct Constant {
/// Maximum packets payload length
static let maxPayloadLength = UInt8.max
static let numberOfChecksumBytes = 2
/// Length of core header (of the comm. layer): message length
/// (1 byte) + message sequence (1 byte) + message system id (1 byte) +
/// message component id (1 byte) + message type id (1 byte).
static let coreHeaderLength = 5
/// Length of all header bytes, including core and checksum
static let numberOfHeaderBytes = Constant.numberOfChecksumBytes + Constant.coreHeaderLength + 1
/// Packet start sign. Indicates the start of a new packet. v1.0.
static let packetStx: UInt8 = 0xFE
/// Channel on which packet was received
public internal(set) var channel: UInt8 = 0
/// Sent at the end of packet
public internal(set) var checksum = Checksum()
/// Protocol magic marker (PacketStx value)
public internal(set) var magic: UInt8 = 0
/// Length of payload
public internal(set) var length: UInt8 = 0
/// Sequence of packet
public internal(set) var sequence: UInt8 = 0
/// Id of message sender system/aircraft
public internal(set) var systemId: UInt8 = 0
/// Id of the message sender component
public internal(set) var componentId: UInt8 = 0
/// Id of message type in payload
public internal(set) var messageId: UInt8 = 0
/// Message bytes
public internal(set) var payload = Data(capacity: Int(Constant.maxPayloadLength) + Constant.numberOfChecksumBytes)
/// Received Message structure if available
public internal(set) var message: Message?
/// Initialize copy of provided Packet.
/// - parameter packet: Packet to copy
init(packet: Packet) {
channel = packet.channel
checksum = packet.checksum
magic = packet.magic
length = packet.length
sequence = packet.sequence
systemId = packet.systemId
componentId = packet.componentId
messageId = packet.messageId
payload = packet.payload
message = packet.message
/// Initialize packet with provided `message` for sending.
/// - parameter message: Message to send.
/// - parameter systemId: Id of the sending (this) system.
/// - parameter componentId: Id of the sending component.
/// - parameter channel: Id of the current channel.
init(message: Message, systemId: UInt8, componentId: UInt8, channel: Channel) {
self.magic = Constant.packetStx
self.systemId = systemId
self.componentId = componentId
self.messageId = type(of: message).id
self.length = type(of: message).payloadLength
self.message = message
self.channel = channel
init() { }
/// Finalize a MAVLink packet with sequence assignment. Returns data that
/// could be sent to the aircraft. This function calculates the checksum and
/// sets length and aircraft id correctly. It assumes that the packet is
/// already correctly initialized with appropriate `message`, `length`,
/// `systemId`, `componentId`.
/// Could be used to send packets without `MAVLink` object, in this case you
/// should take care of `sequence` counter manually.
/// - parameter sequence: Each channel counts up its send sequence. It allows
/// to detect packet loss.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
/// - returns: Data
public func finalize(sequence: UInt8) throws -> Data {
guard let message = message else {
throw PackError.messageNotSet
guard let crcExtra = messageCRCsExtra[messageId] else {
throw PackError.crcExtraNotFound(messageId: type(of: message).id)
self.sequence = sequence
let coreHeader = [length, sequence, systemId, componentId, messageId]
let header = [Constant.packetStx] + coreHeader
let payload = try message.pack()
let checksumBytes = [checksum.lowByte, checksum.highByte]
var packetData = Data(capacity: payload.count + Constant.numberOfHeaderBytes)
packetData.append(header, count: header.count)
packetData.append(checksumBytes, count: checksumBytes.count)
return packetData
/// Struct for storing and calculating checksum.
public struct Checksum {
struct Constants {
static let x25InitCRCValue: UInt16 = 0xFFFF
public var lowByte: UInt8 {
return UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
public var highByte: UInt8 {
return UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: value >> 8)
public private(set) var value: UInt16 = 0
init() {
/// Initialize the buffer for the MCRF4XX CRC.
mutating func start() {
value = Constants.x25InitCRCValue
/// Accumulate the MCRF4XX CRC by adding one char at a time. The checksum
/// function adds the hash of one char at a time to the 16 bit checksum
/// `value` (`UInt16`).
/// - parameter char: New char to hash
mutating func accumulate(_ char: UInt8) {
var tmp: UInt8 = char ^ UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: value)
tmp ^= (tmp << 4)
value = (UInt16(value) >> 8) ^ (UInt16(tmp) << 8) ^ (UInt16(tmp) << 3) ^ (UInt16(tmp) >> 4)
/// Accumulate the MCRF4XX CRC by adding `buffer` bytes.
/// - parameter buffer: Sequence of bytes to hash
mutating func accumulate<T: Sequence>(_ buffer: T) where T.Iterator.Element == UInt8 {
buffer.forEach { accumulate($0) }
// MARK: - CF independent host system byte order determination
public enum ByteOrder: UInt32 {
case unknown
case littleEndian
case bigEndian
public func hostByteOrder() -> ByteOrder {
var bigAndLittleEndian: UInt32 = (ByteOrder.bigEndian.rawValue << 24) | ByteOrder.littleEndian.rawValue
let firstByte: UInt8 = withUnsafePointer(to: &bigAndLittleEndian) { numberPointer in
let bufferPointer = numberPointer.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: 4) { pointer in
return UnsafeBufferPointer(start: pointer, count: 4)
return bufferPointer[0]
return ByteOrder(rawValue: UInt32(firstByte)) ?? .unknown
// MARK: - Data extensions
protocol MAVLinkNumber { }
extension UInt8: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Int8: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension UInt16: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Int16: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension UInt32: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Int32: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension UInt64: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Int64: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Float: MAVLinkNumber { }
extension Double: MAVLinkNumber { }
/// Methods for getting properly typed field values from received data.
extension Data {
/// Returns number value (integer or floating point) from receiver's data.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter byteOrder: Current system endianness.
/// - throws: Throws `ParseError`.
/// - returns: Returns `MAVLinkNumber` (UInt8, Int8, UInt16, Int16, UInt32,
/// Int32, UInt64, Int64, Float, Double).
func number<T: MAVLinkNumber>(at offset: Data.Index, byteOrder: ByteOrder = hostByteOrder()) throws -> T {
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.stride
let range: Range<Int> = offset ..< offset + size
guard range.upperBound <= count else {
throw ParseError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: offset, size: size, upperBound: count)
var bytes = subdata(in: range)
if byteOrder != .littleEndian {
return bytes.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee }
/// Returns typed array from receiver's data.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter capacity: Expected number of elements in array.
/// - throws: Throws `ParseError`.
/// - returns: `Array<T>`
func array<T: MAVLinkNumber>(at offset: Data.Index, capacity: Int) throws -> [T] {
var offset = offset
var array = [T]()
for _ in 0 ..< capacity {
array.append(try number(at: offset))
offset += MemoryLayout<T>.stride
return array
/// Returns ASCII String from receiver's data.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter length: Expected length of string to read.
/// - throws: Throws `ParseError`.
/// - returns: `String`
func string(at offset: Data.Index, length: Int) throws -> String {
let range: Range<Int> = offset ..< offset + length
guard range.upperBound <= count else {
throw ParseError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: offset, size: length, upperBound: count)
let bytes = subdata(in: range)
let emptySubSequence = Data.SubSequence(capacity: 0)
let firstSubSequence = bytes.split(separator: 0x0, maxSplits: 1, omittingEmptySubsequences: false).first ?? emptySubSequence
guard let string = String(bytes: firstSubSequence, encoding: .ascii) else {
throw ParseError.invalidStringEncoding(offset: offset, length: length)
return string
/// Returns proper typed `Enumeration` subtype value from data or throws
/// `ParserEnumError` or `ParseError` error.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - throws: Throws `ParserEnumError`, `ParseError`.
/// - returns: Properly typed `Enumeration` subtype value.
func enumeration<T: Enumeration>(at offset: Data.Index) throws -> T where T.RawValue: MAVLinkNumber {
let rawValue: T.RawValue = try number(at: offset)
guard let enumerationCase = T(rawValue: rawValue) else {
throw ParseEnumError.unknownValue(enumType: T.self, rawValue: rawValue, valueOffset: offset)
return enumerationCase
/// Returns a bitmask that is based on enumeration field. Throws ParseError.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - throws: Throws `ParseError`.
/// - returns: Bitmask subtype value.
func bitmask<T: MAVLinkBitmask>(at offset: Data.Index) throws -> T where T.RawValue: MAVLinkNumber {
let rawValue: T.RawValue = try number(at: offset)
return T(rawValue: rawValue)
/// Methods for filling `Data` with properly formatted field values.
extension Data {
/// Sets properly swapped `number` bytes starting from `offset` in
/// receiver's bytes.
/// - warning: Supports only version 1.0 of MAVLink wire protocol
/// (little-endian byte order).
/// - parameter number: Number value to set.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter byteOrder: Current system endianness.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
mutating func set<T: MAVLinkNumber>(_ number: T, at offset: Data.Index, byteOrder: ByteOrder = hostByteOrder()) throws {
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.stride
let range = offset ..< offset + size
guard range.endIndex <= count else {
throw PackError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: offset, size: size, upperBound: count)
var number = number
var bytes: Data = withUnsafePointer(to: &number) { numberPointer in
let bufferPointer = numberPointer.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: size) { pointer in
return UnsafeBufferPointer(start: pointer, count: size)
return Data(bufferPointer)
if byteOrder != .littleEndian {
replaceSubrange(range, with: bytes)
/// Sets `array` of `MAVLinkNumber` values at `offset` with `capacity` validation.
/// - parameter array: Array of values to set.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter capacity: Maximum allowed count of elements in `array`.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
mutating func set<T: MAVLinkNumber>(_ array: [T], at offset: Data.Index, capacity: Int) throws {
guard array.count <= capacity else {
throw PackError.invalidValueLength(offset: offset, providedValueLength: array.count, allowedLength: capacity)
let elementSize = MemoryLayout<T>.stride
let arraySize = elementSize * array.count
guard offset + arraySize <= count else {
throw PackError.valueSizeOutOfBounds(offset: offset, size: arraySize, upperBound: count)
for (index, item) in array.enumerated() {
try set(item, at: offset + index * elementSize)
/// Sets correctly encoded `string` value at `offset` limited to `length` or
/// throws `PackError`.
/// - precondition: `string` value must be ASCII compatible.
/// - parameter string: Value to set.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - parameter length: Maximum allowed length of `string`.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
mutating func set(_ string: String, at offset: Data.Index, length: Int) throws {
var bytes = string.data(using: .ascii) ?? Data()
if bytes.isEmpty && string.unicodeScalars.count > 0 {
throw PackError.invalidStringEncoding(offset: offset, string: string)
// Add optional null-termination if provided string is shorter than
// expectedlength
if bytes.count < length {
let asciiCharacters = bytes.withUnsafeBytes { Array(UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: $0, count: bytes.count)) }
try set(asciiCharacters, at: offset, capacity: length)
/// Sets correctly formatted `enumeration` raw value at `offset` or throws
/// `PackError`.
/// - parameter enumeration: Value to set.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
mutating func set<T: Enumeration>(_ enumeration: T, at offset: Data.Index) throws where T.RawValue: MAVLinkNumber {
try set(enumeration.rawValue, at: offset)
/// Sets correctly formatted `bitmask` raw value at `offset` or throws
/// `PackError`.
/// - parameter enumeration: Value to set.
/// - parameter offset: Offset in receiver's bytes.
/// - throws: Throws `PackError`.
mutating func set<T: MAVLinkBitmask>(_ enumeration: T, at offset: Data.Index) throws where T.RawValue: MAVLinkNumber {
try set(enumeration.rawValue, at: offset)
// MARK: - Additional MAVLink service info