
108 lines
4.6 KiB

# NextGen node/javascript top-level bindings test/s - there are a few stages of test here..
# 1. ensure we've got the dependencies pre-built, such as js bindings, C bindings, and minimal compiled c targets.
# 2. run the static pre-canned JS create/pack tests in the 'mavlink.tests.js' files (ie assembling packets for sending)
# 3. capture all the packets that the C bindings test suite make, and try to parse them all with JS. ( incoming packet parsing)
# 4. make and run the complete autogenerated 'mocha' test suite/s that does byte-level verification of JS against the C bindings.
# We use '.tests.js' autogenerated javascript to build/pack one of each packet with test data for nominally sending
# utilise the C bindings and test suite to generate a bunch of mavlink data that we can run through the node/javascript parser
# we do this by executing ./generator/C/test/posix/testmav2.0_ardupilotmega to
# run mavlink_test_all() from generator/C/include_v2.0/ardupilotmega/testsuite.h
# this script can be called manually by a human, or it can be triggered by a 'npm test' from the generator/javascript/ folder, so we handle either.
set -e
#set -x
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
# 0 means low; 1 means some; 2 means high verbosity
if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "1" ]; then
if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "2" ]; then
test -z "$MDEF" && MDEF="../message_definitions"
# build js bindings we want to test
printf "${RED}Generating JS-NextGen bindings to test...${NC}\n\n"
sleep 1
cd generator
./ > $OUT2
cd ..
# build C bindings to test the testsuite.js 'recieve' tester against.
# we quieten them as we really aren't testing THEM here.
printf "${RED}Generating C bindings to test JS-NextGen against...${NC}\n\n"
sleep 1
./tools/ --lang C $MDEF/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml -o generator/C/include_v1.0 --wire-protocol=1.0 > $OUT2
./tools/ --lang C $MDEF/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml -o generator/C/include_v2.0 --wire-protocol=2.0 > $OUT2
# we quieten them as we really aren't testing THEM here.
printf "${RED}Compiling C bindings to test JS-NextGen against...${NC}\n\n"
sleep 1
pushd generator/C/test/posix > $OUT2
make clean testmav1.0_ardupilotmega testmav2.0_ardupilotmega testmav1.0_common testmav2.0_common > $OUT2
popd > $OUT2
# need to install the bindings first to test them?
printf "${RED}Installing just-generated npm package...${NC}\n\n"
cd generator/javascript
npm install 2>/dev/null > /dev/null
cd ../..
printf "${RED}JS-NextGen PRETEST setup done.${NC}\n\n"
# run the automatically generated tool for build/pack, ie create and pack one of everything, no byte-level checking of the packed results tho, comes later.
printf "${RED}Running non-NPM JS-NextGen create/pack tests ...${NC}\n\n"
sleep 1
node generator/javascript/implementations/mavlink_ardupilotmega_v2.0/mavlink.tests.js > $OUT1
node generator/javascript/implementations/mavlink_ardupilotmega_v1.0/mavlink.tests.js > $OUT1
node generator/javascript/implementations/mavlink_common_v2.0/mavlink.tests.js > $OUT1
node generator/javascript/implementations/mavlink_common_v1.0/mavlink.tests.js > $OUT1
# piping the wire-ready hex-output from the C bindings into the node bindings per-packet and receive each of them.
printf "${RED}Streaming C test data into JS-NextGen for pushBuffer/parseBuffer tests${NC}\n\n"
sleep 1
pushd generator/C/test/posix > $OUT2
make testmav1.0_common testmav2.0_common testmav1.0_ardupilotmega testmav2.0_ardupilotmega
./testmav1.0_ardupilotmega | grep '^fe' | node ../../../../examples/testparser.js ardupilotmega 1.0 $VERBOSITY
./testmav2.0_ardupilotmega | grep '^fd' | node ../../../../examples/testparser.js ardupilotmega 2.0 $VERBOSITY
./testmav1.0_common | grep '^fe' | node ../../../../examples/testparser.js common 1.0 $VERBOSITY
./testmav2.0_common | grep '^fd' | node ../../../../examples/testparser.js common 2.0 $VERBOSITY
popd > $OUT2
# we also have a big collection ~990 of mocha tests based on C output like the above but more thorough, this includes byte-level
# checking of the packed results etc.
# u can/should also run the ~990 or more mocha tests we just made:
#( this uses generator/javascript/package.json -> runs -> outputs made_tests.js -> which are then executed by 'mocha test' )
echo "tip: if not bring auto-run as a auto-test, u can run the next-stage of tests with mocha here:"
echo "cd generator/javascript"
echo "npm test"
echo "cd -"
printf "\n${RED}JS-NextGen Testing done.${NC}\n\n"