
1010 lines
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* FreeRTOS+TCP V2.3.2
* Copyright (C) 2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Application level configuration options. */
#include "FreeRTOSIPConfig.h"
#include "FreeRTOSIPConfigDefaults.h"
#include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"
#include "IPTraceMacroDefaults.h"
#include "FreeRTOS_Stream_Buffer.h"
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
#include "FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.h"
#include "FreeRTOS_TCP_IP.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "event_groups.h"
/* Utility macros for marking casts as recognized during */
/* static analysis. */
#define ipCAST_PTR_TO_TYPE_PTR( TYPE, pointer ) ( vCastPointerTo_ ## TYPE( ( void * ) ( pointer ) ) )
#define ipCAST_CONST_PTR_TO_CONST_TYPE_PTR( TYPE, pointer ) ( vCastConstPointerTo_ ## TYPE( ( const void * ) ( pointer ) ) )
/* Utility macros for declaring cast utility functions in */
/* order to centralize typecasting for static analysis. */
#define ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( TYPE ) TYPE * vCastPointerTo_ ## TYPE( void * pvArgument )
#define ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( TYPE ) const TYPE * vCastConstPointerTo_ ## TYPE( const void * pvArgument )
* Structure to hold the information about the Network parameters.
typedef struct xNetworkAddressingParameters
uint32_t ulDefaultIPAddress; /**< The default IP address */
uint32_t ulNetMask; /**< The netmask */
uint32_t ulGatewayAddress; /**< The gateway address */
uint32_t ulDNSServerAddress; /**< The DNS server address */
uint32_t ulBroadcastAddress; /**< The Broadcast address */
} NetworkAddressingParameters_t;
extern BaseType_t xTCPWindowLoggingLevel;
extern QueueHandle_t xNetworkEventQueue;
/* Protocol headers. */
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xETH_HEADER
MACAddress_t xDestinationAddress; /**< Destination address 0 + 6 = 6 */
MACAddress_t xSourceAddress; /**< Source address 6 + 6 = 12 */
uint16_t usFrameType; /**< The EtherType field 12 + 2 = 14 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xETH_HEADER EthernetHeader_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( EthernetHeader_t )
return ( EthernetHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( EthernetHeader_t )
return ( const EthernetHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xARP_HEADER
uint16_t usHardwareType; /**< Network Link Protocol type 0 + 2 = 2 */
uint16_t usProtocolType; /**< The internetwork protocol 2 + 2 = 4 */
uint8_t ucHardwareAddressLength; /**< Length in octets of a hardware address 4 + 1 = 5 */
uint8_t ucProtocolAddressLength; /**< Length in octets of the internetwork protocol 5 + 1 = 6 */
uint16_t usOperation; /**< Operation that the sender is performing 6 + 2 = 8 */
MACAddress_t xSenderHardwareAddress; /**< Media address of the sender 8 + 6 = 14 */
uint8_t ucSenderProtocolAddress[ 4 ]; /**< Internetwork address of sender 14 + 4 = 18 */
MACAddress_t xTargetHardwareAddress; /**< Media address of the intended receiver 18 + 6 = 24 */
uint32_t ulTargetProtocolAddress; /**< Internetwork address of the intended receiver 24 + 4 = 28 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xARP_HEADER ARPHeader_t;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xIP_HEADER
uint8_t ucVersionHeaderLength; /**< The version field + internet header length 0 + 1 = 1 */
uint8_t ucDifferentiatedServicesCode; /**< Differentiated services code point + ECN 1 + 1 = 2 */
uint16_t usLength; /**< Entire Packet size 2 + 2 = 4 */
uint16_t usIdentification; /**< Identification field 4 + 2 = 6 */
uint16_t usFragmentOffset; /**< Fragment flags and fragment offset 6 + 2 = 8 */
uint8_t ucTimeToLive; /**< Time to live field 8 + 1 = 9 */
uint8_t ucProtocol; /**< Protocol used in the IP-datagram 9 + 1 = 10 */
uint16_t usHeaderChecksum; /**< Checksum of the IP-header 10 + 2 = 12 */
uint32_t ulSourceIPAddress; /**< IP address of the source 12 + 4 = 16 */
uint32_t ulDestinationIPAddress; /**< IP address of the destination 16 + 4 = 20 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xIP_HEADER IPHeader_t;
return ( IPHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const IPHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
uint8_t ucTypeOfMessage; /**< The ICMP type 0 + 1 = 1 */
uint8_t ucTypeOfService; /**< The ICMP subtype 1 + 1 = 2 */
uint16_t usChecksum; /**< The checksum of whole ICMP packet 2 + 2 = 4 */
uint16_t usIdentifier; /**< Used in some types of ICMP 4 + 2 = 6 */
uint16_t usSequenceNumber; /**< Used in some types of ICMP 6 + 2 = 8 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xICMP_HEADER ICMPHeader_t;
return ( ICMPHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const ICMPHeader_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xUDP_HEADER
uint16_t usSourcePort; /**< The source port 0 + 2 = 2 */
uint16_t usDestinationPort; /**< The destination port 2 + 2 = 4 */
uint16_t usLength; /**< The size of the whole UDP packet 4 + 2 = 6 */
uint16_t usChecksum; /**< The checksum of the whole UDP Packet 6 + 2 = 8 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xUDP_HEADER UDPHeader_t;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xTCP_HEADER
uint16_t usSourcePort; /**< The Source port + 2 = 2 */
uint16_t usDestinationPort; /**< The destination port + 2 = 4 */
uint32_t ulSequenceNumber; /**< The Sequence number + 4 = 8 */
uint32_t ulAckNr; /**< The acknowledgement number + 4 = 12 */
uint8_t ucTCPOffset; /**< The value of TCP offset + 1 = 13 */
uint8_t ucTCPFlags; /**< The TCP-flags field + 1 = 14 */
uint16_t usWindow; /**< The size of the receive window + 2 = 15 */
uint16_t usChecksum; /**< The checksum of the header + 2 = 18 */
uint16_t usUrgent; /**< Pointer to the last urgent data byte + 2 = 20 */
#if ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1
uint8_t ucOptdata[ ipSIZE_TCP_OPTIONS ]; /**< The options + 12 = 32 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xTCP_HEADER TCPHeader_t;
/* Nested protocol packets. */
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xARP_PACKET
EthernetHeader_t xEthernetHeader; /**< The ethernet header of an ARP Packet 0 + 14 = 14 */
ARPHeader_t xARPHeader; /**< The ARP header of an ARP Packet 14 + 28 = 42 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xARP_PACKET ARPPacket_t;
return ( ARPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const ARPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xIP_PACKET
EthernetHeader_t xEthernetHeader;
IPHeader_t xIPHeader;
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xIP_PACKET IPPacket_t;
return ( IPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const IPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
EthernetHeader_t xEthernetHeader; /**< The Ethernet header of an ICMP packet. */
IPHeader_t xIPHeader; /**< The IP header of an ICMP packet. */
ICMPHeader_t xICMPHeader; /**< The ICMP header of an ICMP packet. */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xICMP_PACKET ICMPPacket_t;
return ( ICMPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xUDP_PACKET
EthernetHeader_t xEthernetHeader; /**< UDP-Packet ethernet header 0 + 14 = 14 */
IPHeader_t xIPHeader; /**< UDP-Packet IP header 14 + 20 = 34 */
UDPHeader_t xUDPHeader; /**< UDP-Packet UDP header 34 + 8 = 42 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xUDP_PACKET UDPPacket_t;
return ( UDPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const UDPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
#include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xTCP_PACKET
EthernetHeader_t xEthernetHeader; /**< The ethernet header 0 + 14 = 14 */
IPHeader_t xIPHeader; /**< The IP header 14 + 20 = 34 */
TCPHeader_t xTCPHeader; /**< The TCP header 34 + 32 = 66 */
#include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xTCP_PACKET TCPPacket_t;
return ( TCPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const TCPPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
* Union for the protocol packet to save space. Any packet cannot have more than one
* of the below protocol packets.
typedef union XPROT_PACKET
ARPPacket_t xARPPacket; /**< Union member: ARP packet struct */
TCPPacket_t xTCPPacket; /**< Union member: TCP packet struct */
UDPPacket_t xUDPPacket; /**< Union member: UDP packet struct */
ICMPPacket_t xICMPPacket; /**< Union member: ICMP packet struct */
} ProtocolPacket_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( ProtocolPacket_t )
return ( ProtocolPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( ProtocolPacket_t )
return ( const ProtocolPacket_t * ) pvArgument;
* Union for protocol headers to save space (RAM). Any packet cannot have more than one of
* the below protocols.
typedef union xPROT_HEADERS
ICMPHeader_t xICMPHeader; /**< Union member: ICMP header */
UDPHeader_t xUDPHeader; /**< Union member: UDP header */
TCPHeader_t xTCPHeader; /**< Union member: TCP header */
} ProtocolHeaders_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( ProtocolHeaders_t )
return ( ProtocolHeaders_t * ) pvArgument;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( ProtocolHeaders_t )
return ( const ProtocolHeaders_t * ) pvArgument;
/* The maximum UDP payload length. */
typedef enum
eReleaseBuffer = 0, /* Processing the frame did not find anything to do - just release the buffer. */
eProcessBuffer, /* An Ethernet frame has a valid address - continue process its contents. */
eReturnEthernetFrame, /* The Ethernet frame contains an ARP or ICMP packet that can be returned to its source. */
eFrameConsumed /* Processing the Ethernet packet contents resulted in the payload being sent to the stack. */
} eFrameProcessingResult_t;
typedef enum
eNoEvent = -1,
eNetworkDownEvent, /* 0: The network interface has been lost and/or needs [re]connecting. */
eNetworkRxEvent, /* 1: The network interface has queued a received Ethernet frame. */
eNetworkTxEvent, /* 2: Let the IP-task send a network packet. */
eARPTimerEvent, /* 3: The ARP timer expired. */
eStackTxEvent, /* 4: The software stack has queued a packet to transmit. */
eDHCPEvent, /* 5: Process the DHCP state machine. */
eTCPTimerEvent, /* 6: See if any TCP socket needs attention. */
eTCPAcceptEvent, /* 7: Client API FreeRTOS_accept() waiting for client connections. */
eTCPNetStat, /* 8: IP-task is asked to produce a netstat listing. */
eSocketBindEvent, /* 9: Send a message to the IP-task to bind a socket to a port. */
eSocketCloseEvent, /*10: Send a message to the IP-task to close a socket. */
eSocketSelectEvent, /*11: Send a message to the IP-task for select(). */
eSocketSignalEvent, /*12: A socket must be signalled. */
} eIPEvent_t;
* Structure for the information of the commands issued to the IP task.
typedef struct IP_TASK_COMMANDS
eIPEvent_t eEventType; /**< The event-type enum */
void * pvData; /**< The data in the event */
} IPStackEvent_t;
#define ipBROADCAST_IP_ADDRESS 0xffffffffUL
/* Offset into the Ethernet frame that is used to temporarily store information
* on the fragmentation status of the packet being sent. The value is important,
* as it is past the location into which the destination address will get placed. */
/* Only used when outgoing fragmentation is being used (FreeRTOSIPConfig.h
* setting. */
#define ipGET_UDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_FOR_FRAGMENT( usFragmentOffset ) ( ( ( usFragmentOffset ) == 0 ) ? ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 : ipIP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET )
/* The offset into a UDP packet at which the UDP data (payload) starts. */
#define ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ( sizeof( UDPPacket_t ) )
/* The offset into an IP packet into which the IP data (payload) starts. */
#define ipIP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET ( sizeof( IPPacket_t ) )
/* Ethernet frame types. */
#define ipARP_FRAME_TYPE ( 0x0608U )
#define ipIPv4_FRAME_TYPE ( 0x0008U )
/* ARP related definitions. */
#define ipARP_PROTOCOL_TYPE ( 0x0008U )
#define ipARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETHERNET ( 0x0100U )
#define ipARP_REQUEST ( 0x0100U )
#define ipARP_REPLY ( 0x0200U )
#else /* if ( ipconfigBYTE_ORDER == pdFREERTOS_LITTLE_ENDIAN ) */
/* Ethernet frame types. */
#define ipARP_FRAME_TYPE ( 0x0806U )
#define ipIPv4_FRAME_TYPE ( 0x0800U )
/* ARP related definitions. */
#define ipARP_PROTOCOL_TYPE ( 0x0800U )
#define ipARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETHERNET ( 0x0001U )
#define ipARP_REQUEST ( 0x0001 )
#define ipARP_REPLY ( 0x0002 )
#endif /* ipconfigBYTE_ORDER == pdFREERTOS_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
/* For convenience, a MAC address of all zeros and another of all 0xffs are
* defined const for quick reference. */
extern const MACAddress_t xBroadcastMACAddress; /* all 0xff's */
extern uint16_t usPacketIdentifier;
* Define a default UDP packet header (declared in FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.c)
typedef union xUDPPacketHeader
uint8_t ucBytes[ 24 ]; /**< Member: 8-bit array */
uint32_t ulWords[ 6 ]; /**< Member: 32-bit array */
} UDPPacketHeader_t;
extern UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader;
/* Structure that stores the netmask, gateway address and DNS server addresses. */
extern NetworkAddressingParameters_t xNetworkAddressing;
/* Structure that stores the defaults for netmask, gateway address and DNS.
* These values will be copied to 'xNetworkAddressing' in case DHCP is not used,
* and also in case DHCP does not lead to a confirmed request. */
/*lint -e9003*/
extern NetworkAddressingParameters_t xDefaultAddressing; /*lint !e9003 could define variable 'xDefaultAddressing' at block scope [MISRA 2012 Rule 8.9, advisory]. */
/* True when BufferAllocation_1.c was included, false for BufferAllocation_2.c */
extern const BaseType_t xBufferAllocFixedSize;
/* Defined in FreeRTOS_Sockets.c */
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
extern List_t xBoundTCPSocketsList;
/* The local IP address is accessed from within xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader,
* rather than duplicated in its own variable. */
#define ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER ( ( uint32_t * ) &( xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader.ulWords[ 20U / sizeof( uint32_t ) ] ) )
/* The local MAC address is accessed from within xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader,
* rather than duplicated in its own variable. */
#define ipLOCAL_MAC_ADDRESS ( xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader.ucBytes )
/* In this library, there is often a cast from a character pointer
* to a pointer to a struct.
* In order to suppress MISRA warnings, do the cast within a macro,
* which can be exempt from warnings:
* 3 required by MISRA:
* -emacro(740,ipPOINTER_CAST) // 750: Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types) [MISRA 2012 Rule 1.3, required])
* -emacro(9005,ipPOINTER_CAST) // 9005: attempt to cast away const/volatile from a pointer or reference [MISRA 2012 Rule 11.8, required]
* -emacro(9087,ipPOINTER_CAST) // 9087: cast performed between a pointer to object type and a pointer to a different object type [MISRA 2012 Rule 11.3, required]
* 2 advisory by MISRA:
* -emacro(9079,ipPOINTER_CAST) // 9079: conversion from pointer to void to pointer to other type [MISRA 2012 Rule 11.5, advisory])
* --emacro((826),ipPOINTER_CAST) // 826: Suspicious pointer-to-pointer conversion (area too small)
* The MISRA warnings can safely be suppressed because all casts are planned with care.
#define ipPOINTER_CAST( TYPE, pointer ) ( ( TYPE ) ( pointer ) )
/* Sequence and ACK numbers are essentially unsigned (uint32_t). But when
* a distance is calculated, it is useful to use signed numbers:
* int32_t lDistance = ( int32_t ) ( ulSeq1 - ulSeq2 );
* 1 required by MISRA:
* -emacro(9033,ipNUMERIC_CAST) // 9033: Impermissible cast of composite expression (different essential type categories) [MISRA 2012 Rule 10.8, required])
* 1 advisory by MISRA:
* -emacro(9030,ipNUMERIC_CAST) // 9030: Impermissible cast; cannot cast from 'essentially Boolean' to 'essentially signed' [MISRA 2012 Rule 10.5, advisory])
#define ipNUMERIC_CAST( TYPE, expression ) ( ( TYPE ) ( expression ) )
/* ICMP packets are sent using the same function as UDP packets. The port
* number is used to distinguish between the two, as 0 is an invalid UDP port. */
/* For now, the lower 8 bits in 'xEventBits' will be reserved for the above
* socket events. */
#define vSetField16( pxBase, xType, xField, usValue ) \
{ \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 0 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( usValue ) >> 8 ); \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 1 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( usValue ) & 0xffU ); \
#define vSetField32( pxBase, xType, xField, ulValue ) \
{ \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 0 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( ulValue ) >> 24 ); \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 1 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( ( ulValue ) >> 16 ) & 0xffU ); \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 2 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( ( ulValue ) >> 8 ) & 0xffU ); \
( ( uint8_t * ) ( pxBase ) )[ offsetof( xType, xField ) + 3 ] = ( uint8_t ) ( ( ulValue ) & 0xffU ); \
#define vFlip_16( left, right ) \
do { \
uint16_t tmp = ( left ); \
( left ) = ( right ); \
( right ) = tmp; \
} while( ipFALSE_BOOL )
#define vFlip_32( left, right ) \
do { \
uint32_t tmp = ( left ); \
( left ) = ( right ); \
( right ) = tmp; \
} while( ipFALSE_BOOL )
/* WARNING: Do NOT use this macro when the array was received as a parameter. */
#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
#define ARRAY_SIZE( x ) ( ( BaseType_t ) ( sizeof( x ) / sizeof( ( x )[ 0 ] ) ) )
* Create a message that contains a command to initialise the network interface.
* This is used during initialisation, and at any time the network interface
* goes down thereafter. The network interface hardware driver is responsible
* for sending the message that contains the network interface down command/
* event.
* Only use the FreeRTOS_NetworkDownFromISR() version if the function is to be
* called from an interrupt service routine. If FreeRTOS_NetworkDownFromISR()
* returns a non-zero value then a context switch should be performed before
* the interrupt is exited.
void FreeRTOS_NetworkDown( void );
BaseType_t FreeRTOS_NetworkDownFromISR( void );
* Processes incoming ARP packets.
eFrameProcessingResult_t eARPProcessPacket( ARPPacket_t * const pxARPFrame );
* Inspect an Ethernet frame to see if it contains data that the stack needs to
* process. eProcessBuffer is returned if the frame should be processed by the
* stack. eReleaseBuffer is returned if the frame should be discarded.
eFrameProcessingResult_t eConsiderFrameForProcessing( const uint8_t * const pucEthernetBuffer );
* Return the checksum generated over xDataLengthBytes from pucNextData.
uint16_t usGenerateChecksum( uint16_t usSum,
const uint8_t * pucNextData,
size_t uxByteCount );
/* Socket related private functions. */
* The caller must ensure that pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength is the UDP packet
* payload size (excluding packet headers) and that the packet in pucEthernetBuffer
* is at least the size of UDPPacket_t.
BaseType_t xProcessReceivedUDPPacket( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer,
uint16_t usPort );
* Initialize the socket list data structures for TCP and UDP.
void vNetworkSocketsInit( void );
* Returns pdTRUE if the IP task has been created and is initialised. Otherwise
* returns pdFALSE.
BaseType_t xIPIsNetworkTaskReady( void );
#if ( ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_WAKE_CALLBACK == 1 )
struct xSOCKET;
typedef void (* SocketWakeupCallback_t)( struct xSOCKET * pxSocket );
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
* Actually a user thing, but because xBoundTCPSocketsList, let it do by the
* IP-task
#if ( ipconfigHAS_PRINTF != 0 )
void vTCPNetStat( void );
* At least one socket needs to check for timeouts
TickType_t xTCPTimerCheck( BaseType_t xWillSleep );
* Every TCP socket has a buffer space just big enough to store
* the last TCP header received.
* As a reference of this field may be passed to DMA, force the
* alignment to 8 bytes.
typedef union
uint64_t ullAlignmentWord; /**< Increase the alignment of this union by adding a 64-bit variable. */
} a; /**< A struct to increase alignment. */
/* The next field only serves to give 'ucLastPacket' a correct
* alignment of 8 + 2. See comments in FreeRTOS_IP.h */
uint8_t ucFillPacket[ ipconfigPACKET_FILLER_SIZE ];
uint8_t ucLastPacket[ sizeof( TCPPacket_t ) ];
} u; /**< The structure to give an alignment of 8 + 2 */
} LastTCPPacket_t;
* Note that the values of all short and long integers in these structs
* are being stored in the native-endian way
* Translation should take place when accessing any structure which defines
* network packets, such as IPHeader_t and TCPHeader_t
typedef struct TCPSOCKET
uint32_t ulRemoteIP; /**< IP address of remote machine */
uint16_t usRemotePort; /**< Port on remote machine */
/* Most compilers do like bit-flags */
bMssChange : 1, /**< This socket has seen a change in MSS */
bPassAccept : 1, /**< when true, this socket may be returned in a call to accept() */
bPassQueued : 1, /**< when true, this socket is an orphan until it gets connected
* Why an orphan? Because it may not be returned in a accept() call until it
* gets the state eESTABLISHED */
bReuseSocket : 1, /**< When a listening socket gets a connection, do not create a new instance but keep on using it */
bCloseAfterSend : 1, /**< As soon as the last byte has been transmitted, finalise the connection
* Useful in e.g. FTP connections, where the last data bytes are sent along with the FIN flag */
bUserShutdown : 1, /**< User requesting a graceful shutdown */
bCloseRequested : 1, /**< Request to finalise the connection */
bLowWater : 1, /**< high-water level has been reached. Cleared as soon as 'rx-count < lo-water' */
bWinChange : 1, /**< The value of bLowWater has changed, must send a window update */
bSendKeepAlive : 1, /**< When this flag is true, a TCP keep-alive message must be send */
bWaitKeepAlive : 1, /**< When this flag is true, a TCP keep-alive reply is expected */
bConnPrepared : 1, /**< Connecting socket: Message has been prepared */
#if ( ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION == 1 )
bConnPassed : 1, /**< Connecting socket: Socket has been passed in a successful select() */
#endif /* ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION */
bFinAccepted : 1, /**< This socket has received (or sent) a FIN and accepted it */
bFinSent : 1, /**< We've sent out a FIN */
bFinRecv : 1, /**< We've received a FIN from our peer */
bFinAcked : 1, /**< Our FIN packet has been acked */
bFinLast : 1, /**< The last ACK (after FIN and FIN+ACK) has been sent or will be sent by the peer */
bRxStopped : 1, /**< Application asked to temporarily stop reception */
bMallocError : 1, /**< There was an error allocating a stream */
bWinScaling : 1; /**< A TCP-Window Scaling option was offered and accepted in the SYN phase. */
} bits; /**< The bits structure */
uint32_t ulHighestRxAllowed; /**< The highest sequence number that we can receive at any moment */
uint16_t usTimeout; /**< Time (in ticks) after which this socket needs attention */
uint16_t usCurMSS; /**< Current Maximum Segment Size */
uint16_t usInitMSS; /**< Initial maximum segment Size */
uint16_t usChildCount; /**< In case of a listening socket: number of connections on this port number */
uint16_t usBacklog; /**< In case of a listening socket: maximum number of concurrent connections on this port number */
uint8_t ucRepCount; /**< Send repeat count, for retransmissions
* This counter is separate from the xmitCount in the
* TCP win segments */
uint8_t ucTCPState; /**< TCP state: see eTCP_STATE */
struct xSOCKET * pxPeerSocket; /**< for server socket: child, for child socket: parent */
#if ( ipconfigTCP_KEEP_ALIVE == 1 )
uint8_t ucKeepRepCount;
TickType_t xLastAliveTime; /**< The last value of keepalive time.*/
#endif /* ipconfigTCP_KEEP_ALIVE */
#if ( ipconfigTCP_HANG_PROTECTION == 1 )
TickType_t xLastActTime; /**< The last time when hang-protection was done.*/
#endif /* ipconfigTCP_HANG_PROTECTION */
size_t uxLittleSpace; /**< The value deemed as low amount of space. */
size_t uxEnoughSpace; /**< The value deemed as enough space. */
size_t uxRxStreamSize; /**< The Receive stream size */
size_t uxTxStreamSize; /**< The transmit stream size */
StreamBuffer_t * rxStream; /**< The pointer to the receive stream buffer. */
StreamBuffer_t * txStream; /**< The pointer to the transmit stream buffer. */
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 )
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxAckMessage; /**< The pointer to the ACK message */
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN */
LastTCPPacket_t xPacket; /**< Buffer space to store the last TCP header received. */
uint8_t tcpflags; /**< TCP flags */
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN != 0 )
uint8_t ucMyWinScaleFactor; /**< Scaling factor of this device. */
uint8_t ucPeerWinScaleFactor; /**< Scaling factor of the peer. */
#if ( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 1 )
FOnTCPReceive_t pxHandleReceive; /**<
* In case of a TCP socket:
* typedef void (* FOnTCPReceive_t) (Socket_t xSocket, void *pData, size_t xLength );
FOnTCPSent_t pxHandleSent; /**< Function pointer to handle a successful send event. */
FOnConnected_t pxHandleConnected; /**< Actually type: typedef void (* FOnConnected_t) (Socket_t xSocket, BaseType_t ulConnected ); */
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS */
uint32_t ulWindowSize; /**< Current Window size advertised by peer */
size_t uxRxWinSize; /**< Fixed value: size of the TCP reception window */
size_t uxTxWinSize; /**< Fixed value: size of the TCP transmit window */
TCPWindow_t xTCPWindow; /**< The TCP window struct*/
} IPTCPSocket_t;
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP */
* Structure to hold the information about a UDP socket.
typedef struct UDPSOCKET
List_t xWaitingPacketsList; /**< Incoming packets */
#if ( ipconfigUDP_MAX_RX_PACKETS > 0 )
UBaseType_t uxMaxPackets; /**< Protection: limits the number of packets buffered per socket */
#endif /* ipconfigUDP_MAX_RX_PACKETS */
#if ( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS == 1 )
FOnUDPReceive_t pxHandleReceive; /**<
* In case of a UDP socket:
* typedef void (* FOnUDPReceive_t) (Socket_t xSocket, void *pData, size_t xLength, struct freertos_sockaddr *pxAddr );
FOnUDPSent_t pxHandleSent; /**< Function pointer to handle the events after a successful send. */
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS */
} IPUDPSocket_t;
/* Formally typedef'd as eSocketEvent_t. */
eSOCKET_SEND = 0x0002,
eSOCKET_ACCEPT = 0x0004,
eSOCKET_BOUND = 0x0010,
eSOCKET_CLOSED = 0x0020,
eSOCKET_INTR = 0x0040,
eSOCKET_ALL = 0x007F,
* Structure to hold information for a socket.
typedef struct xSOCKET
EventBits_t xEventBits; /**< The eventbits to keep track of events. */
EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup; /**< The event group for this socket. */
ListItem_t xBoundSocketListItem; /**< Used to reference the socket from a bound sockets list. */
TickType_t xReceiveBlockTime; /**< if recv[to] is called while no data is available, wait this amount of time. Unit in clock-ticks */
TickType_t xSendBlockTime; /**< if send[to] is called while there is not enough space to send, wait this amount of time. Unit in clock-ticks */
uint16_t usLocalPort; /**< Local port on this machine */
uint8_t ucSocketOptions; /**< Socket options */
uint8_t ucProtocol; /**< choice of FREERTOS_IPPROTO_UDP/TCP */
#if ( ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_SEMAPHORE == 1 )
SemaphoreHandle_t pxUserSemaphore; /**< The user semaphore */
#endif /* ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_SEMAPHORE */
#if ( ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_WAKE_CALLBACK == 1 )
SocketWakeupCallback_t pxUserWakeCallback; /**< Pointer to the callback function. */
#endif /* ipconfigSOCKET_HAS_USER_WAKE_CALLBACK */
#if ( ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION == 1 )
struct xSOCKET_SET * pxSocketSet; /**< Pointer to the socket set structure */
EventBits_t xSelectBits; /**< User may indicate which bits are interesting for this socket. */
EventBits_t xSocketBits; /**< These bits indicate the events which have actually occurred.
* They are maintained by the IP-task */
#endif /* ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION */
/* TCP/UDP specific fields: */
/* Before accessing any member of this structure, it should be confirmed */
/* that the protocol corresponds with the type of structure */
IPUDPSocket_t xUDP; /**< Union member: UDP socket*/
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
IPTCPSocket_t xTCP; /**< Union member: TCP socket */
uint64_t ullTCPAlignment; /**< Make sure that xTCP is 8-bytes aligned by
* declaring a 64-bit variable in the same union */
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP */
} u; /**< Union of TCP/UDP socket */
} FreeRTOS_Socket_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( FreeRTOS_Socket_t )
return ( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * ) pvArgument;
return ( const FreeRTOS_Socket_t * ) pvArgument;
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
* Lookup a TCP socket, using a multiple matching: both port numbers and
* return IP address.
FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxTCPSocketLookup( uint32_t ulLocalIP,
UBaseType_t uxLocalPort,
uint32_t ulRemoteIP,
UBaseType_t uxRemotePort );
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP */
* Look up a local socket by finding a match with the local port.
FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxUDPSocketLookup( UBaseType_t uxLocalPort );
* Called when the application has generated a UDP packet to send.
void vProcessGeneratedUDPPacket( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * const pxNetworkBuffer );
* Calculate the upper-layer checksum
* Works both for UDP, ICMP and TCP packages
* bOut = true: checksum will be set in outgoing packets
* bOut = false: checksum will be calculated for incoming packets
* returning 0xffff means: checksum was correct
uint16_t usGenerateProtocolChecksum( const uint8_t * const pucEthernetBuffer,
size_t uxBufferLength,
BaseType_t xOutgoingPacket );
* An Ethernet frame has been updated (maybe it was an ARP request or a PING
* request?) and is to be sent back to its source.
void vReturnEthernetFrame( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer,
BaseType_t xReleaseAfterSend );
* The internal version of bind()
* If 'ulInternal' is true, it is called by the driver
* The TCP driver needs to bind a socket at the moment a listening socket
* creates a new connected socket
BaseType_t vSocketBind( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket,
struct freertos_sockaddr * pxBindAddress,
size_t uxAddressLength,
BaseType_t xInternal );
* Internal function to add streaming data to a TCP socket. If ulIn == true,
* data will be added to the rxStream, otherwise to the tXStream. Normally data
* will be written with ulOffset == 0, meaning: at the end of the FIFO. When
* packet come in out-of-order, an offset will be used to put it in front and
* the head will not change yet.
int32_t lTCPAddRxdata( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket,
size_t uxOffset,
const uint8_t * pcData,
uint32_t ulByteCount );
* Currently called for any important event.
void vSocketWakeUpUser( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket );
* Some helping function, their meaning should be clear.
* Going by MISRA rules, these utility functions should not be defined
* if they are not being used anywhere. But their use depends on the
* application and hence these functions are defined unconditionally.
static portINLINE uint32_t ulChar2u32( const uint8_t * apChr );
static portINLINE uint32_t ulChar2u32( const uint8_t * apChr )
return ( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 0 ] ) << 24 ) |
( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 1 ] ) << 16 ) |
( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 2 ] ) << 8 ) |
( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 3 ] ) );
static portINLINE uint16_t usChar2u16( const uint8_t * apChr );
static portINLINE uint16_t usChar2u16( const uint8_t * apChr )
return ( uint16_t )
( ( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 0 ] ) << 8 ) |
( ( ( uint32_t ) apChr[ 1 ] ) ) );
/* Check a single socket for retransmissions and timeouts */
BaseType_t xTCPSocketCheck( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket );
BaseType_t xTCPCheckNewClient( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket );
/* Defined in FreeRTOS_Sockets.c
* Close a socket
void * vSocketClose( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket );
* Send the event eEvent to the IP task event queue, using a block time of
* zero. Return pdPASS if the message was sent successfully, otherwise return
* pdFALSE.
BaseType_t xSendEventToIPTask( eIPEvent_t eEvent );
* The same as above, but a struct as a parameter, containing:
* eIPEvent_t eEventType;
* void *pvData;
BaseType_t xSendEventStructToIPTask( const IPStackEvent_t * pxEvent,
TickType_t uxTimeout );
* Returns a pointer to the original NetworkBuffer from a pointer to a UDP
* payload buffer.
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxUDPPayloadBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer( const void * pvBuffer );
#if ( ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER != 0 )
* For the case where the network driver passes a buffer directly to a DMA
* descriptor, this function can be used to translate a 'network buffer' to
* a 'network buffer descriptor'.
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer( const void * pvBuffer );
* Internal: Sets a new state for a TCP socket and performs the necessary
* actions like calling a OnConnected handler to notify the socket owner.
#if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP == 1 )
void vTCPStateChange( FreeRTOS_Socket_t * pxSocket,
enum eTCP_STATE eTCPState );
#endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP */
/* Returns pdTRUE is this function is called from the IP-task */
BaseType_t xIsCallingFromIPTask( void );
#if ( ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION == 1 )
/** @brief Structure for event groups of the Socket Select functions */
typedef struct xSOCKET_SET
/** @brief Event group for the socket select function.
EventGroupHandle_t xSelectGroup;
} SocketSelect_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( SocketSelect_t )
return ( SocketSelect_t * ) pvArgument;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( SocketSelect_t )
return ( const SocketSelect_t * ) pvArgument;
extern void vSocketSelect( SocketSelect_t * pxSocketSet );
/** @brief Define the data that must be passed for a 'eSocketSelectEvent'. */
typedef struct xSocketSelectMessage
TaskHandle_t xTaskhandle; /**< Task handle for use in the socket select functionality. */
SocketSelect_t * pxSocketSet; /**< The event group for the socket select functionality. */
} SocketSelectMessage_t;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( SocketSelectMessage_t )
return ( SocketSelectMessage_t * ) pvArgument;
static portINLINE ipDECL_CAST_CONST_PTR_FUNC_FOR_TYPE( SocketSelectMessage_t )
return ( const SocketSelectMessage_t * ) pvArgument;
#endif /* ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION */
void vIPSetDHCPTimerEnableState( BaseType_t xEnableState );
void vIPReloadDHCPTimer( uint32_t ulLeaseTime );
#if ( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 )
void vIPReloadDNSTimer( uint32_t ulCheckTime );
void vIPSetDnsTimerEnableState( BaseType_t xEnableState );
/* Send the network-up event and start the ARP timer. */
void vIPNetworkUpCalls( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */