
202 lines
4.8 KiB

# mach: bfin
// This program computes a FIR filter without maintaining a buffer of internal
// state.
// This example computes two output samples per inner loop. The following
// diagram shows the alignment required for signal x and coefficients c:
// x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
// c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 -> output z(0)=x0*c0 + x1*c1 + ...
// c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 -> z(1)=x1*c0 + x2*c1 + ...
// L-1
// ---
// Z(k) = \ c(n) * x(n+k)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// Naive, first stab at spliting this for dual MACS.
// L/2-1 L/2-1
// --- ---
// R(k) = \ (x(2n) * y(2n+k)) + \ (x(2n-1) * y(2n-1+k))
// / /
// --- ---
// n=0 n=0
// Alternate, better partitioning for the machine.
// L-1
// ---
// R(0) = \ x(n) * y(n)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// L-1
// ---
// R(1) = \ x(n) * y(n+1)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// L-1
// ---
// R(2) = \ x(n) * y(n+2)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// L-1
// ---
// R(3) = \ x(n) * y(n+3)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// .
// .
// .
// .
// Okay in this verion the inner loop will compute R(2k) and R(2k+1) in parallel
// L-1
// ---
// R(2k) = \ x(n) * y(n+2k)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// L-1
// ---
// R(2k+1) = \ x(n) * y(n+2k+1)
// /
// ---
// n=0
// Implementation
// --------------
// Sample pair x1 x0 is loaded into register R0, and coefficients c1 c0
// is loaded into register R1:
// +-------+ R0
// | x1 x0 |
// +-------+
// +-------+ R1
// | c1 c0 | compute two MACs: z(0)+=x0*c0, and z(1)+=x1*c0
// +-------+
// Now load x2 into lo half of R0, and compute the next two MACs:
// +-------+ R0
// | x1 x2 |
// +-------+
// +-------+ R1
// | c1 c0 | compute z(0)+=x1*c1 and z(1)+=x2*c1 (c0 not used)
// +-------+
// Meanwhile, load coefficient pair c3 c2 into R2, and x3 into hi half of R0:
// +-------+ R0
// | x3 x2 |
// +-------+
// +-------+ R2
// | c3 c2 | compute z(0)+=x2*c2 and z(1)+=x3*c2 (c3 not used)
// +-------+
// Load x4 into low half of R0:
// +-------+ R0
// | x3 x4 |
// +-------+
// +-------+ R1
// | c3 c2 | compute z(0)+=x3*c3 and z(1)+=x4*c3 (c2 not used)
// +-------+
// //This is a reference FIR function used to test: */
//void firf (float input[], float output[], float coeffs[],
// long input_size, long coeffs_size)
// long i, k;
// for(i=0; i< input_size; i++){
// output[i] = 0;
// for(k=0; k < coeffs_size; k++)
// output[i] += input[k+i] * coeffs[k];
// }
.include ""
R0 = 0; R1 = 0; R2 = 0;
P1 = 128 (X); // Load loop bounds in R5, R6, and divide by 2
P2 = 64 (X);
// P0 holds pointer to input data in one memory
// bank. Increments by 2 after each inner-loop iter
loadsym P0, input;
// Pointer to coeffs in alternate memory bank.
loadsym I1, coef;
// Pointer to outputs in any memory bank.
loadsym I2, output;
// Setup outer do-loop for M/2 iterations
// (2 outputs are computed per pass)
LSETUP ( L$0 , L$0end ) LC0 = P1 >> 1;
loadsym I1, coef;
I0 = P0;
// Set-up inner do-loop for L/2 iterations
// (2 MACs are computed per pass)
LSETUP ( L$1 , L$1end ) LC1 = P2 >> 1;
// Load first two data elements in r0,
// and two coeffs into r1:
R0.L = W [ I0 ++ ];
A1 = A0 = 0 || R0.H = W [ I0 ++ ] || R1 = [ I1 ++ ];
A1 += R0.H * R1.L, A0 += R0.L * R1.L || R0.L = W [ I0 ++ ] || NOP;
A1 += R0.L * R1.H, A0 += R0.H * R1.H || R0.H = W [ I0 ++ ] || R1 = [ I1 ++ ];
// Line 1: do 2 MACs and load next data element into RL0.
// Line 2: do 2 MACs, load next data element into RH0,
// and load next 2 coeffs
R0.H = A1, R0.L = A0;
// advance data pointer by 2 16b elements
P0 += 4;
[ I2 ++ ] = R0; // store 2 outputs
// Check results
loadsym I2, output;
R0.L = W [ I2 ++ ]; DBGA ( R0.L , 0x0800 );
R0.L = W [ I2 ++ ]; DBGA ( R0.L , 0x1000 );
R0.L = W [ I2 ++ ]; DBGA ( R0.L , 0x2000 );
R0.L = W [ I2 ++ ]; DBGA ( R0.L , 0x1000 );
R0.L = W [ I2 ++ ]; DBGA ( R0.L , 0x0800 );
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x4000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.dw 0x0000
.space ((128-10)*2); // must pad with zeros or uninitialized values.
.dw 0x1000
.dw 0x2000
.dw 0x4000
.dw 0x2000
.dw 0x1000
.dw 0x0000
.space ((64-6)*2); // must pad with zeros or uninitialized values.
.space (128*4)