250 lines
6.7 KiB
250 lines
6.7 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Miscellaneous CRIS simulator testcases testing syscall sequences.
global global_cc_works
global global_cc_os
if [istarget cris-*-*] {
set mach "crisv10"
} {
set mach "crisv32"
# Make sure we're using the right runtime for simulator runs. If the
# cris-sim dejagnu baseboard is used, -sim3 will be duplicated, but
# that's ok. For e.g. cris*-linux-gnu, neither -sim not -sim3 are
# supported options and likely not other targets too.
if { $global_cc_os == "newlib" } {
append CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET " -sim3"
# Using target_compile, since it is less noisy,
if { $global_cc_works == 1 } {
# Now check if we can link a program dynamically, and where
# libc.so is located. If it is, we provide a sym link to the
# directory (which must end in /lib) in [pwd], so /lib/ld.so.1 is
# found (which must reside along libc.so). We don't bother
# replacing the board ldflags like below as we don't care about
# detrimental effects on the executable from the specs and
# -static in the board ldflags, we just add -Bdynamic.
global objdir
if [regexp "(.*/lib)/libc.so" \
[target_compile $srcdir/lib/compilercheck.c $objdir/compilercheck.x \
"executable" \
"ldflags=-print-file-name=libc.so -Wl,-Bdynamic"] \
xxx libcsodir] {
file delete lib
verbose -log "Creating link to $libcsodir in [pwd]"
file link lib $libcsodir
file delete $objdir/compilercheck.x
# Like istarget, except take a list of targets as a string.
proc anytarget { targets } {
set targetlist [split $targets]
set argc [llength $targetlist]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $argc } { incr i } {
if [istarget [lindex $targetlist $i]] {
return 1
return 0
global sim_path
foreach src [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/*.c]] {
set orig_ldflags ""
if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $src] {
set testname "[file tail $src]"
set opt_array [slurp_options $src]
if { $opt_array == -1 } {
unresolved $testname
# And again, to simplify specifying tests.
if ![runtest_file_p $runtests $src] {
# Note absence of CC in results, but don't make a big fuss over it.
if { $global_cc_works == 0 } {
untested $testname
if ![file exists $sim_path] {
untested $testname
return 0
# Clear default options
set opts(cc) ""
set opts(sim) ""
set opts(output) ""
set opts(progoptions) ""
set opts(progos) ""
set opts(timeout) ""
set opts(mach) ""
set opts(xerror) "no"
set opts(kfail) ""
set opts(xfail) ""
set opts(target) ""
set opts(notarget) ""
# Clear any machine specific options specified in a previous test case
if [info exists opts(sim,$mach)] {
unset opts(sim,$mach)
foreach i $opt_array {
set opt_name [lindex $i 0]
set opt_machs [lindex $i 1]
set opt_val [lindex $i 2]
if ![info exists opts($opt_name)] {
perror "unknown option $opt_name in file $src"
unresolved $testname
# Multiple of these options concatenate, they don't override.
if { $opt_name == "output" || $opt_name == "progoptions" } {
set opt_val "$opts($opt_name)$opt_val"
# Similar with "xfail", "kfail", "target" and "notarget", but
# arguments are space-separated.
if { $opt_name == "xfail" || $opt_name == "kfail" \
|| $opt_name == "target" || $opt_name == "notarget" } {
if { $opts($opt_name) != "" } {
set opt_val "$opts($opt_name) $opt_val"
foreach m $opt_machs {
set opts($opt_name,$m) $opt_val
if { "$opt_machs" == "" } {
set opts($opt_name) $opt_val
if { $opts(output) == "" } {
if { "$opts(xerror)" == "no" } {
set opts(output) "pass\n"
} else {
set opts(output) "fail\n"
if { $opts(target) != "" && ![anytarget $opts(target)] } {
if { $opts(notarget) != "" && [anytarget $opts(notarget)] } {
if { $opts(progos) != "" && $opts(progos) != $global_cc_os } {
untested $testname
# If no machine specific options, default to the general version.
if ![info exists opts(sim,$mach)] {
set opts(sim,$mach) $opts(sim)
# Change \n sequences to newline chars.
regsub -all "\\\\n" $opts(output) "\n" opts(output)
verbose -log "Compiling $src with $opts(cc)"
if { [target_compile $src "$objdir/$testname.x" "executable" "$opts(cc)" ] != "" } {
fail "$mach $testname (compilation)"
if { $orig_ldflags != "" } {
set board_info([target_info name],ldflags) $orig_ldflags
verbose -log "Simulating $src with $opts(sim,$mach)"
# Time to setup xfailures and kfailures.
if { "$opts(xfail)" != "" } {
verbose -log "xfail: $opts(xfail)"
# Using eval to make $opts(xfail) appear as individual
# arguments.
eval setup_xfail $opts(xfail)
if { "$opts(kfail)" != "" } {
verbose -log "kfail: $opts(kfail)"
eval setup_kfail $opts(kfail)
set result [sim_run "$objdir/$testname.x" "$opts(sim,$mach)" "$opts(progoptions)" \
"" ""]
set return_code [lindex $result 0]
set output [lindex $result 1]
set status fail
if { $return_code == 0 } {
set status pass
if { "$status" == "pass" } {
if { "$opts(xerror)" == "no" } {
if [string match $opts(output) $output] {
pass "$mach $testname"
} else {
verbose -log "output: $output" 3
verbose -log "pattern: $opts(output)" 3
fail "$mach $testname (execution)"
} else {
verbose -log "`pass' return code when expecting failure" 3
fail "$mach $testname (execution)"
} elseif { "$status" == "fail" } {
if { "$opts(xerror)" == "no" } {
fail "$mach $testname (execution)"
} else {
if [string match $opts(output) $output] {
pass "$mach $testname"
} else {
verbose -log "output: $output" 3
verbose -log "pattern: $opts(output)" 3
fail "$mach $testname (execution)"
} else {
$status "$mach $testname"