1285 lines
53 KiB
1285 lines
53 KiB
#! /usr/bin/python
This script generates markdown files for the MAVLink message definition XML at:
The files can be imported into a markdown SSG to display the messages as HTML
The script runs on Python 3.
The following libraries must be imported:
- bs4.
- lxml
The file is run in mavlink/doc/ with no arguments.
It writes the files to /messages/
It can also be run for a specific dialect, if specified.
It can also be imported and used to get information about the XML.
# import lxml.etree as ET
# import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re
import os # for walk
import argparse # for command line parsing
class MAVXML(object):
'''Represents a MAVLink XML file'''
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.basename = os.path.basename(filename)
if self.basename.lower().endswith(".xml"):
self.basename = self.basename[:-4]
self.basename_upper = self.basename.upper()
self.messages = {} # dict
self.enums = {}
self.commands = {}
self.includes = []
self.dialect = None
self.version = None
# Read the XML file
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
xml_content = f.read()
# Initialize BeautifulSoup with the XML content
soup = bs(xml_content, 'xml')
# Extract dialect
dialect = soup.find('dialect')
if dialect:
self.dialect = dialect.text
# Extract version
version = soup.find('version')
if version:
self.version = version.text
# Extract includes
includes = soup.find_all('include')
for include in includes:
# Extract and reorder messages
messages = soup.find_all('message')
for message in messages:
item = MAVMessage(message, self.basename)
self.messages[item.name] = item
# reorder messages by id
sorted_items = sorted(self.messages.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1].id)
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
# Extact all ENUM except MAV_CMD
# Define a custom filter function to exclude "MAV_CMD"
def exclude_mav_cmd(tag):
return tag.name == 'enum' and tag.get('name') != 'MAV_CMD'
filtered_enums = soup.find_all(exclude_mav_cmd)
for enum in filtered_enums:
# print(f"debug: enumTestDalect: {self.basename}")
item = MAVEnum(enum, self.basename)
self.enums[item.name] = item
# reorder the enum values
for enumName in self.enums.keys():
# reorder the enum values - sort the entries based on the 'value' property
mav_enum_entries = self.enums[enumName].entries.values()
sorted_entries = sorted(
mav_enum_entries, key=lambda entry: entry.value)
# Create a new dictionary with the sorted entries
sorted_enum_entries = {
entry.name: entry for entry in sorted_entries}
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
# Extract Commands (MAV_CMD) and reorder
mav_cmd_enum = soup.find('enum', attrs={'name': 'MAV_CMD'})
if mav_cmd_enum:
mav_commands = mav_cmd_enum.find_all('entry')
for command in mav_commands:
item = MAVCommand(command, self.basename)
self.commands[item.name] = item
# reorder commands by id
# Sort the items of the dictionary based on the id property of the value (second element)
sorted_items = sorted(self.commands.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1].value)
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
def mergeIn(self, mergeXML):
"""Merge a passed file into this file"""
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {mergeXML.basename} into {self.basename}")
# merge messages
for messageName in mergeXML.messages.keys():
if messageName in self.messages:
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {messageName} already present, skip")
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {messageName} added from {mergeXML.basename}")
self.messages[messageName] = mergeXML.messages[messageName]
# reorder messages by id
# Sort the items of the dictionary based on the id property of the value (second element)
sorted_items = sorted(self.messages.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1].id)
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
# merge commands
for commandName in mergeXML.commands.keys():
if commandName in self.commands:
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {commandName} already present, skip")
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {commandName} added from {mergeXML.basename}")
self.commands[commandName] = mergeXML.commands[commandName]
# reorder commands by id now imported
# Sort the items of the dictionary based on the id property of the value (second element)
sorted_items = sorted(self.commands.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1].value)
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
# merge enums
for enumName in mergeXML.enums.keys():
if enumName in self.enums:
# print(f"TODO need to merge the values: debug: mergeIn {enumName} already present, skip")
for enumValue in mergeXML.enums[enumName].entries.keys():
if enumValue in self.enums[enumName].entries:
# print(f"{enumValue} - skip: already present")
# add value from lower level that hasn't been replaced
self.enums[enumName].entries[enumValue] = mergeXML.enums[enumName].entries[enumValue]
# reorder the enum values now imported - sort the entries based on the 'value' property
mav_enum_entries = self.enums[enumName].entries.values()
sorted_entries = sorted(
mav_enum_entries, key=lambda entry: entry.value)
# Create a new dictionary with the sorted entries
sorted_enum_entries = {
entry.name: entry for entry in sorted_entries}
# Clear the original dictionary and rebuild it with the sorted items
# continue
# print(f"debug: mergeIn {enumName} added from {mergeXML.basename}")
# Enum is new, so just merge it
self.enums[enumName] = mergeXML.enums[enumName]
def getMarkdown(self):
"""Generate Markdown for this XML file"""
# markdownText = f"# {self.basename}\n\n"
markdownText = ""
intro_text = self.get_top_level_docs(self.basename)
markdownText += intro_text
# Generate dialect and version if present
if self.dialect:
markdownText += f"**Protocol dialect:** {self.dialect}\n\n"
if self.version:
markdownText += f"**Protocol version:** {self.version}\n\n"
# Generate include files docs
markdownText += "## MAVLink Include Files\n\n"
if self.includes:
base_path = '../messages/'
# Create a list of formatted strings
for include in self.includes:
# markdownText+="\n"
markdownText += f"- [{include}.xml]({base_path}{include}.md)\n"
markdownText += " None\n"
markdownText += "\n"
# Get counts of entities
entity_summary = "## Summary\n\n"
entity_summary += "Type | Defined | Included\n"
entity_summary += "--- | --- | ---\n"
matching_count = 0
non_matching_count = 0
for message in self.messages.values():
if message.basename == self.basename:
matching_count += 1
non_matching_count += 1
result_string = result_string = f"{'[Messages](#messages)' if matching_count + non_matching_count > 0 else 'Messages'} | {matching_count} | {non_matching_count}\n"
entity_summary += result_string
matching_count = 0
non_matching_count = 0
for enum in self.enums.values():
if enum.basename == self.basename:
matching_count += 1
non_matching_count += 1
result_string = result_string = f"{'[Enums](#enumerated-types)' if matching_count + non_matching_count > 0 else 'Enums'} | {matching_count} | {non_matching_count}\n"
entity_summary += result_string
matching_count = 0
non_matching_count = 0
for commands in self.commands.values():
if commands.basename == commands.basename:
matching_count += 1
non_matching_count += 1
result_string = result_string = f"{'[Commands](#mav_commands)' if matching_count + non_matching_count > 0 else 'Commands'} | {matching_count} | {non_matching_count}\n\n"
entity_summary += result_string
entity_summary += "The following sections list all entities in the dialect (both included and defined in this file).\n\n"
markdownText += entity_summary
if len(self.messages):
markdownText += "## Messages\n\n"
for message in self.messages.values():
# Get markdown assuming base dialect of this XML
markdownText += message.getMarkdown(self.basename)
if len(self.enums):
markdownText += "## Enumerated Types\n\n"
for enum in self.enums.values():
markdownText += enum.getMarkdown(self.basename)
if len(self.commands):
markdownText += "## Commands (MAV_CMD) {#mav_commands}\n\n"
for command in self.commands.values():
markdownText += command.getMarkdown(self.basename)
return markdownText
def get_top_level_docs(self, filename):
# Inject top level heading and other details.
# print('FILENAME (prefix): %s' % filename)
insert_text = '<!-- THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED: https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/doc/mavlink_xml_to_markdown.py -->\n\n'
if filename == 'common':
insert_text += """
# MAVLINK Common Message Set (common.xml)
The MAVLink *common* message set contains *standard* definitions that are managed by the MAVLink project.
The definitions cover functionality that is considered useful to most ground control stations and autopilots.
MAVLink-compatible systems are expected to use these definitions where possible (if an appropriate message exists) rather than rolling out variants in their own [dialects](../messages/README.md).
The original definitions are defined in [common.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/common.xml).
elif filename == 'minimal':
insert_text += """
# MAVLink Minimal Set (minimal.xml)
The MAVLink *minimal* set contains the minimal set of definitions for a viable MAVLink system.
The message set is defined in [minimal.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/minimal.xml) and is managed by the MAVLink project.
> **Tip** The minimal set is included (imported into) other xml definition files, including the [MAVLink Common Message Set (common.xml)](minimal.md).
elif filename == 'standard':
insert_text += """
# Dialect: MAVLINK Standard Message Set (standard.xml)
The MAVLink *standard* message set contains *standard* definitions that are managed by the MAVLink project.
The definitions are those that are expected to be implemented in all flight stacks/ground stations
AND are likely to be implemented in a compatible way.
The original definitions are defined in [standard.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/standard.xml).
elif filename == 'ardupilotmega':
insert_text += """
# Dialect: ArduPilotMega
These messages define the ArduPilot specific message set, which is custom to [http://ardupilot.org](http://ardupilot.org).
This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [ardupilotmega.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml).
> **Warning** The ArduPilot MAVLink fork of [ardupilotmega.xml](https://github.com/ArduPilot/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml) may contain messages that have not yet been merged into this documentation.
elif filename == 'development':
insert_text += """
# Dialect: development
This dialect contains messages that are proposed for inclusion in the [standard set](standard.md), in order to ease development of prototype implementations.
They should be considered a 'work in progress' and not included in production builds.
This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [development.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/development.xml).
elif filename == 'all':
insert_text += """
# Dialect: all
This dialect is intended to `include` all other [dialects](../messages/README.md) in the mavlink/mavlink repository (including [external dialects](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/tree/master/external/dialects#mavlink-external-dialects)).
Dialects that are in **all.xml** are guaranteed to not have clashes in messages, enums, enum ids, and MAV_CMDs.
This ensure that:
- Systems based on these dialects can co-exist on the same MAVLink network.
- A Ground Station might (optionally) use libraries generated from **all.xml** to communicate using any of the dialects.
> **Warning** New dialect files in the official repository must be added to **all.xml** and restrict themselves to using ids in their own allocated range.
A few older dialects are not included because these operate in completely closed networks or because they are only used for tests.
This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [all.xml](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/all.xml).
insert_text += '\n# Dialect: %s' % filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
insert_text += '\n\n*This is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: [%s](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/v1.0/%s).*' % (
filename, filename)
insert_text += """
<span id="mav2_extension_field"></span>
> **Note**
> - MAVLink 2 [extension fields](../guide/define_xml_element.md#message_extensions) are displayed in blue.
> - Entities from dialects are displayed only as headings (with link to original)
span.ext {
color: blue;
span.warning {
color: red;
return insert_text
class MAVDeprecated(object):
def __init__(self, soup):
# name, type, print_format, xml, description='', enum='', display='', units='', instance=False
self.since = soup.get('since')
self.replaced_by = soup.get('replaced_by')
self.description = soup.text
if self.description:
self.description = fix_add_implicit_links_items(self.description)
# self.debug()
def getMarkdown(self):
markdown = "**DEPRECATED:**"
markdown += f" Replaced By {fix_add_implicit_links_items(self.replaced_by)} " if self.replaced_by else ''
markdown += f"({self.since})" if self.since else ''
markdown += f" — {self.description})" if self.description else ''
markdown = f'<span class="warning">{markdown.strip()}</span>'
return markdown
def debug(self):
f"debug:Deprecated: since({self.since}), replaced_by({fix_add_implicit_links_items(self.replaced_by)}), description({self.description})")
class MAVWip(object):
def __init__(self, soup=None):
# <wip/>
# self.wip = True
self.description = None
if soup:
self.description = soup.text
# self.debug()
def getMarkdown(self):
if self.description:
print(f"TODO: MAVWIP: desc not printed: {self.name}")
markdown = '**WORK IN PROGRESS**: Do not use in stable production environments (it may change).'
markdown = f'<span class="warning">{markdown.strip()}</span>'
return markdown
def debug(self):
print(f"debug:MAVWip: desc({self.description})")
class MAVField(object):
def __init__(self, soup, parent, extension):
# name, type, print_format, xml, description='', enum='', display='', units='', instance=False
self.name = None
self.type = None
self.units = None
self.enum = None
self.display = None
self.instance = None
self.print_format = None
self.invalid = None
self.default = None
self.minValue = None
self.maxValue = None
self.multiplier = None
self.extension = extension
for attr, value in soup.attrs.items():
# We do it this way to catch all of them. New additions will throw debug
if attr == 'name':
self.name = value
elif attr == 'type':
self.type = value
elif attr == 'units':
self.units = value
elif attr == 'enum':
self.enum = value
elif attr == 'display':
self.display = value
elif attr == 'instance':
self.instance = True
elif attr == 'print_format':
self.print_format = value
elif attr == 'invalid':
self.invalid = value
elif attr == 'default':
self.default = value
elif attr == 'minValue':
self.minValue = value
elif attr == 'maxValue':
self.maxValue = value
elif attr == 'multiplier':
self.multiplier = value
f"Debug: MAVField: Unexpected attribute: {attr}, Value: {value}")
# self.name_upper = self.name.upper()
self.description = soup.contents # may need further processing
if not self.description:
self.description = None
# print(f"DEBUG: field desc not defined: {self.name}")
elif len(self.description) == 1:
self.description = self.description[0] # Expected
f"DEBUG: field desc multiple array problem: {self.name} (len: {len(self.description)} )")
for item in self.description:
print(f" DEBUG: {item}")
# Tell the message what field types it has - needed for table rendering
# parent.fieldnames.add('name')
# parent.fieldnames.add('type')
if self.units:
if self.enum:
if self.display:
if self.print_format:
if self.instance:
if self.minValue:
if self.maxValue:
if self.default:
if self.invalid:
if self.multiplier:
# self.debug()
def debug(self):
f"Debug_Field- name ({self.name}), type ({self.type}), desc({self.description}), units({self.units}), display({self.display}), instance({self.instance}), multiplier({self.multiplier})")
# TODO - display, instance, are not output.
class MAVMessage(object):
def __init__(self, soup, basename):
self.name = soup['name']
self.id = int(soup['id'])
self.name_lower = self.name.lower()
self.basename = basename
# self.linenumber = linenumber
self.deprecated = None
self.wip = None
self.fields = []
self.fieldnames = set()
if self.basename == 'development':
self.wip = MAVWip()
# iterate the fields of our message
extension = None
for child in soup.children:
if child.name: # Check if the child is a tag (not a text node)
if child.name == 'extensions':
extension = True
elif child.name == 'field':
self.fields.append(MAVField(child, self, extension))
elif child.name == 'description':
# Will do more processing this.
self.description = child.contents
if len(self.description) == 1:
self.description = self.description[0]
self.description = tidyDescription(self.description)
self.description = fix_add_implicit_links_items(
f"DEBUG: message desc multiple array problem: {self.name}")
elif child.name == 'deprecated':
self.deprecated = MAVDeprecated(child)
elif child.name == 'wip':
self.wip = MAVWip(child)
print(f"MAVMessage: Unexpected tag: {child.name}")
# fields = soup.find_all('field')
# for field in fields:
# self.fields.append(MAVField(field, self))
# self.debug()
def getMarkdown(self, currentDialect):
Return markdown for a message.
message = f"### {self.name} ({self.id})"
# Add marker after name if there are additions
if self.basename is not currentDialect or self.deprecated or self.wip:
message += " —"
# From dialect to heading if in dialect
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
# With basename (dialect name) test
message += f" \[from: [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\]"
if self.deprecated:
message += " [DEP]"
elif self.wip:
message += " [WIP]"
# message+=f"Included from [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\n\n" # With basename (dialect name) test
message += ' {#' + self.name + '}\n\n'
# If dialect, that's it. After this is assuming current dialect
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
return message
if self.deprecated:
message += self.deprecated.getMarkdown()+"\n\n"
if self.wip:
message += self.wip.getMarkdown()+"\n\n"
message += self.description + '\n\n'
# message+=self.description + f" ({self.basename})\n\n" # With dialect test
# Test code for building this using the table builder
# Note, might need to modify for new max/min stuff
tableHeadings = []
tableHeadings.append('Field Name')
valueHeading = False
unitsHeading = False
multiplierHeading = False
if any(field in self.fieldnames for field in ('units',)):
unitsHeading = True
if any(field in self.fieldnames for field in ('multiplier',)):
multiplierHeading = True
if any(field in self.fieldnames for field in ('enum', 'invalid, maxValue, minValue, default')):
valueHeading = True
tableRows = []
for field in self.fields:
row = []
nameText = f"<span class='ext'>{field.name}</span> <a href='#mav2_extension_field'>++</a>" if field.extension else f"{field.name}"
if unitsHeading:
row.append(f"{field.units if field.units else ''}")
if multiplierHeading:
row.append(f"{field.multiplier if field.multiplier else ''}")
if valueHeading:
# Values: #invalid, default, minValue, maxValue.
values = []
invalidText = f'invalid:{field.invalid}' if field.invalid else ''
defaultText = f'default:{field.default}' if field.default else ''
minValueText = f'min:{field.minValue}' if field.minValue else ''
maxValueText = f'max:{field.maxValue}' if field.maxValue else ''
enumText = f"{fix_add_implicit_links_items(field.enum) if field.enum else ''}"
# single elements only get one space
valueText = "".join(
f"{elem} " if elem else "" for elem in values)
descriptionText = f"{fix_add_implicit_links_items(tidyDescription(field.description,'table'))}" if field.description else ''
instanceText = '<br>Messages with same value are from the same source (instance).' if field.instance else ''
descriptionText += instanceText
# print("debugtablerows")
# print(tableRows)
message += generateMarkdownTable(tableHeadings, tableRows)
message += "\n\n"
return message
def debug(self):
f"debug:message: name({self.name}, id({self.id}), description({self.description}), deprecated({self.deprecated})")
class MAVEnumEntry(object):
def __init__(self, soup, basename):
# name, value, description='', end_marker=False, autovalue=False, origin_file='', origin_line=0, has_location=False
self.name = soup['name']
self.value = int(soup.get('value')) if soup.get('value') else print(
f"TODO MISSING VALUE in MAVEnumEntry: {self.name}")
self.basename = basename
self.description = soup.findChild('description', recursive=False)
self.description = self.description.text if self.description else None
self.deprecated = soup.findChild('deprecated', recursive=False)
self.deprecated = MAVDeprecated(
self.deprecated) if self.deprecated else None
self.wip = soup.findChild('wip', recursive=False)
self.wip = MAVWip(self.wip) if self.wip else None
# self.autovalue = autovalue # True if value was *not* specified in XML
def getMarkdown(self, currentDialect):
"""Return markdown for an enum entry"""
deprString = f"<b>{self.deprecated.getMarkdown()}" if self.deprecated else ""
if self.wip:
print(f"TODO: WIP in Enum Entry: {self.name}")
importedNote = ""
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
importedNote = " — \[from: [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\]"
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
f"TODO/Debug: Check rendering - imported merged enum value {self.name}")
desc = fix_add_implicit_links_items(tidyDescription(
self.description, 'table')) if self.description else ""
string = f"<a id='{self.name}'></a>{self.value} | [{self.name}](#{self.name}) | {desc}{importedNote}{deprString} \n"
return string
class MAVEnum(object):
def __init__(self, soup, basename):
# name, linenumber, description='', bitmask=False
self.basename = basename # dialect declared in
self.name = None
self.bitmask = None
self.entries = {}
for attr, value in soup.attrs.items():
if attr == 'name':
self.name = value
elif attr == 'bitmask':
self.bitmask = True
f"Debug: MAVEnum: Unexpected attribute: {attr}, Value: {value}")
self.description = soup.findChild('description', recursive=False)
self.description = tidyDescription(
self.description.text) if self.description else None
self.deprecated = soup.findChild('deprecated', recursive=False)
self.deprecated = MAVDeprecated(
self.deprecated) if self.deprecated else None
if self.basename == 'development':
self.wip = MAVWip()
self.wip = soup.findChild('wip', recursive=False)
self.wip = MAVWip(self.wip) if self.wip else None
self.bitmask = soup.get('bitmask')
enumEntries = soup.find_all('entry')
for entry in enumEntries:
enumVal = MAVEnumEntry(entry, self.basename)
self.entries[enumVal.name] = enumVal
# self.debug()
def getMarkdown(self, currentDialect):
"""Return markdown for a whole enum"""
string = f"### {self.name}"
# Add marker after name if there are additions
if self.basename is not currentDialect or self.deprecated or self.wip:
string += " —"
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
# With basename (dialect name) test
string += f" \[from: [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\]"
if self.deprecated:
string += " [DEP]"
elif self.wip:
string += " [WIP]"
# message+=f"Included from [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\n\n" # With basename (dialect name) test
string += ' {#' + self.name + '}\n\n'
# If dialect, that's it. After this is assuming current dialect
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
return string
if self.deprecated:
string += self.deprecated.getMarkdown()+"\n\n"
if self.wip:
string += self.wip.getMarkdown() + "\n\n"
# if self.name=="MAV_FRAME":
# pass
# self.debug()
string += "(Bitmask) " if self.bitmask else ""
string += f"{fix_add_implicit_links_items(self.description)}" if self.description else ""
if self.bitmask or self.description:
string += "\n\n"
string += "Value | Name | Description\n--- | --- | ---\n"
for entry in self.entries.values():
string += entry.getMarkdown(self.basename)
string += "\n"
return string
def debug(self):
f"debug:MAVEnum: name({self.name}), bitmask({self.bitmask}), deprecated({self.deprecated}), wip({self.wip}), basename({self.basename})")
class MAVCommandParam(object):
def __init__(self, soup, parent):
# name, value, description='', end_marker=False, autovalue=False, origin_file='', origin_line=0, has_location=False
self.index = None
self.label = None
self.units = None
self.minValue = None
self.maxValue = None
self.increment = None
self.enum = None
self.description = None
self.reserved = None
self.default = None
self.multiplier = None
for attr, value in soup.attrs.items():
# We do it this way to catch all of them. New additions will throw debug
if attr == 'index':
self.index = int(value)
elif attr == 'label':
self.label = value
elif attr == 'units':
self.units = value
elif attr == 'minValue':
self.minValue = value
elif attr == 'maxValue':
self.maxValue = value
elif attr == 'enum':
self.enum = value
elif attr == 'increment':
self.increment = value
elif attr == 'reserved':
self.reserved = True # TODO is it ever reserved by default, and if so make happen
elif attr == 'default':
self.default = value # TODO is it ever default by default, and if so make happen?
elif attr == 'multiplier':
self.multiplier = value
f"Debug: MAVCommandParam: Unexpected attribute: {attr}, Value: {value}")
if soup.text:
self.description = soup.text
if self.description:
self.description = tidyDescription(self.description, "table")
# no deprecated or wip supported
# self.autovalue = autovalue # True if value was *not* specified in XML
# Add fields to display in parent.
if self.label:
if self.units:
if self.minValue:
if self.maxValue:
if self.increment:
if self.enum:
if self.multiplier:
class MAVCommand(object):
def __init__(self, soup, basename):
# name, value, description='', end_marker=False, autovalue=False, origin_file='', origin_line=0, has_location=False
self.name = soup['name']
self.value = int(soup.get('value')) if soup.get(
'value') else "TODO MISSING VALUE"
self.basename = basename
self.description = soup.description.text if soup.description else None
if self.description:
self.description = tidyDescription(self.description)
self.deprecated = soup.findChild('deprecated', recursive=False)
self.deprecated = MAVDeprecated(
self.deprecated) if self.deprecated else None
if self.basename == 'development':
self.wip = MAVWip()
self.wip = soup.findChild('wip', recursive=False)
self.wip = MAVWip(self.wip) if self.wip else None
# self.autovalue = autovalue # True if value was *not* specified in XML
self.param_fieldnames = set()
self.params = []
params = soup.find_all('param')
for param in params:
# TODO: Decide if we want to add entries for non-existing param values
self.params.append(MAVCommandParam(param, self))
def getMarkdown(self, currentDialect):
"""Return markdown for a command (entry)"""
string = f"### {self.name} ({self.value})"
# Add marker after name if there are additions
if self.basename is not currentDialect or self.deprecated or self.wip:
string += " —"
# From dialect to heading if in dialect
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
# With basename (dialect name) test
string += f" \[from: [{self.basename}](../messages/{self.basename}.md#{self.name})\]"
if self.deprecated:
string += " [DEP]"
elif self.wip:
string += " [WIP]"
string += ' {#' + self.name + '}\n\n'
# If dialect, that's it. After this is assuming current dialect
if self.basename is not currentDialect:
return string
if self.deprecated:
string += self.deprecated.getMarkdown() + "\n\n"
if self.wip:
string += self.wip.getMarkdown() + "\n\n"
string += f"{fix_add_implicit_links_items(self.description)}\n\n" if self.description else ""
tableHeadings = []
tableHeadings.append('Param (Label)')
valueHeading = False
unitsHeading = False
multiplierHeading = False
if any(field in self.param_fieldnames for field in ('enum', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'increment')):
valueHeading = True
if 'units' in self.param_fieldnames:
unitsHeading = True
if 'multiplier' in self.param_fieldnames:
multiplierHeading = True
tableRows = []
for param in self.params:
row = []
f"{param.index} ({param.label})" if param.label else str(param.index))
row.append(param.description if param.description else "")
if valueHeading:
valString = " "
if param.enum:
valString = fix_add_implicit_links_items(param.enum)
elif param.minValue or param.maxValue or param.increment:
if param.minValue:
valString += f"min: {param.minValue}"
if param.maxValue:
valString += f" max: {param.maxValue}"
if param.increment:
valString += f" inc: {param.increment}"
valString = valString.strip()
if unitsHeading:
unitsString = " "
if param.units:
unitsString = param.units
if multiplierHeading:
multiplierString = " "
if param.multiplier:
multiplierString = param.multiplier
# print("debugtablerows")
# print(tableRows)
string += generateMarkdownTable(tableHeadings, tableRows)
string += "\n\n"
return string
def tidyDescription(desc_string, type="markdown"):
Helper method to remove odd whitepace etc from a description string.
Different behaviour if the string is to be used in normal markdown or in a table.
if "\n" not in desc_string:
desc_string = desc_string.strip()
# print(f"debug1strp|{desc_string}|")
return desc_string
if type == "markdown":
# print(f"debug2|{desc_string}|")
desc = desc_string
lines = desc.splitlines()
first_line = lines[0].strip()
new_string = first_line + "\n\n"
for line in lines[1:]:
new_string += line.strip() + "\n"
desc_string = new_string.strip()
# print(f"debug3|{desc_string}|")
return desc_string
if type == "table":
lines = desc_string.strip().splitlines()
new_string = "<br>".join(line.strip() for line in lines)
# for line in lines:
# new_string += line.strip() + "<br>"
return new_string.strip()
def fix_add_implicit_links_items(input_text):
if not type(input_text) is str:
# Its not something we can handle
return input_text
# Makes screaming snake case into anchors (helper method). Special fix for MAV_CMD.
# I don't remember this regexp but it appears to work
# print("fix_add_implicit_link was called")
def make_text_to_link(matchobj):
# print("make_entry_to_link was called: %s" % matchobj.group(0))
item_string = matchobj.group(2)
item_url = item_string
if item_string == 'MAV_CMD':
item_url = 'mav_commands'
returnString = f"{matchobj.group(1)}[{item_string}](#{item_url}){matchobj.group(3)}"
return returnString
linked_md = re.sub(
r'([\`\(\s,]|^)([A-Z]{2,}(?:_[A-Z0-9]+)+)([\`\)\s\.,:]|$)', make_text_to_link, input_text, flags=re.DOTALL)
return linked_md
def generateMarkdownTable(headings, rows):
"""Generates a markdown table from an array containing headings and array containing array for every row."""
string = ""
pattern = " | ".join(headings) + "\n"
string += pattern
# Generate column marker pattern
field_count = len(headings)
pattern = ("--- | ") * (field_count - 1) + "---\n"
string += pattern
for row in rows:
# single elements only get one space
pattern = "| ".join(f"{elem} " if elem else "" for elem in row) + "\n"
# print('debug: ROW:')
# print(row)
# print(pattern)
string += pattern
return string
class XMLFiles(object):
def __init__(self, dialect=None, source_dir="."):
self.xml_dialects = dict()
self.source_dir = source_dir
if not dialect:
raise ValueError(
"XMLFiles requires XML dialect name or list of dialect names")
dialectNames = []
if isinstance(dialect, list):
dialectNames = dialect
for dialect in dialectNames:
xmlFileName = f"{self.source_dir}{dialect}.xml"
print(f"Importing: {xmlFileName}")
xmlParser = MAVXML(xmlFileName)
self.xml_dialects[dialect] = xmlParser
self.update_includes() # TODO - make this optional based on a setting?
# Build a dialect tree for better rendering of included items
# Dict at top level so we can get self.dialectTree['ardupilotmega']
# and get a tree we can iterate to print the structure
# That could be a dict or an array. Probably dict allows more efficiency
# Might be better if separate to XMLFiles so accessible from where printed.
# Or we can fetch it with a getter.
self.dialectTree = {}
for dialectName in self.xml_dialects.keys():
if dialectName not in self.dialectTree.keys():
includes = self.xml_dialects[dialectName].includes
for dialect in includes:
tempDict = {} # {all: {common {stnadard: {minimal: None}} }, common: {} }
def generateDocs(self, output_dir="."):
for xmlfile in self.xml_dialects.values():
xmlString = xmlfile.getMarkdown()
# Create outputdir if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# output_file = f"{output_dir}{xmlfile.filename}.md"
output_file = f"{output_dir}{xmlfile.basename}.md"
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print(f"Generating: {output_file}")
def generateIndexDoc(self, output_dir="."):
# File for index
index_file_name = "README.md"
# Create outputdir if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
index_file_name = f"{output_dir}{index_file_name}"
#initialise text for index file.
index_text="""<!-- THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM XML: https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/doc/mavlink_xml_to_markdown.py (Do not update mavlink-devguide) -->
# XML Definition Files & Dialects
MAVLink definitions files can be found in [mavlink/message definitions](https://github.com/mavlink/mavlink/blob/master/message_definitions/).
These can roughly be divided into:
- [Standard definitions](#standard-definitions) - core definitions shared by many flight stacks
- [Test definitions](#test-definitions) - definitions to support testing and validation
- [Dialects](#dialects) - *protocol-* and *vendor-specific* messages, enums and commands
## Standard Definitions
The following XML definition files are considered standard/core (i.e. not dialects):
- [minimal.xml](minimal.md) - the minimum set of entities (messages, enums, MAV_CMD) required to set up a MAVLink network.
- [standard.xml](standard.md) - the standard set of entities that are implemented by almost all flight stacks (at least 2, in a compatible way).
This `includes` [minimal.xml](minimal.md).
- [common.xml](common.md) - the set of entities that have been implemented in at least one core flight stack.
This `includes` [standard.xml](minimal.md)
> **Note** We are still working towards moving the truly standard entities from **common.xml** to **standard.xml**
Currently you should include [common.xml](common.md)
In addition:
- [development.xml](development.md) - XML definitions that are _proposed_ for inclusion in the standard definitions.
These are work in progress.
## Test Definitions
The following definitions are used for testing and dialect validation:
- [all.xml](all.md) - This includes all other XML files, and is used to verify that there are no ID clashes (and can potentially be used by GCS to communicate with any core dialect).
- [test.xml](test.md) - Test XML definition file.
## Dialects {#dialects}
MAVLink *dialects* are XML definition files that define *protocol-* and *vendor-specific* messages, enums and commands.
> **Note** Vendor forks of MAVLink may contain XML entities that have not yet been pushed into the main repository (and will not be documented).
Dialects may *include* other MAVLink XML files, which may in turn contain other XML files (up to 5 levels of XML file nesting are allowed - see `MAXIMUM_INCLUDE_FILE_NESTING` in [mavgen.py](https://github.com/ArduPilot/pymavlink/blob/master/generator/mavgen.py#L44)).
A typical pattern is for a dialect to include [common.xml](../messages/common.md) (containing the *MAVLink standard definitions*), extending it with vendor or protocol specific messages.
The dialect definitions are:
for xmlfile in self.xml_dialects.keys():
index_text+=f"- [{xmlfile}.xml]({xmlfile}.md)\n"
#Write the index
with open(index_file_name, 'w') as content_file:
print(f"Generating: {index_file_name}")
def expand_includes(self):
"""Expand includes. Root files already parsed objects in the xml list."""
def expand_oneiteration():
'''takes the list of xml files to process and finds includes which have not already been turned into xml documents added to
xml files to process, turns them into xml documents and adds them to the xml files list.
Returns false if no more documents were added.
includeadded = False
includes_to_add = set()
for name in self.xml_dialects.keys():
for incl in self.xml_dialects[name].includes:
# print(incl)
if incl not in self.xml_dialects:
# new include
# print(f"debug: {incl} not in {self.xml_dialects.keys()}")
includeadded = True
for incl in includes_to_add:
xmlFileName = f"{self.source_dir}{incl}.xml"
print(f"Importing included file: {xmlFileName}")
xmlParser = MAVXML(xmlFileName)
self.xml_dialects[incl] = xmlParser
return includeadded
if not expand_oneiteration():
def update_includes(self):
"""Update dialects and merge with included files,
starting with the bottom level (files with no or fewer includes).
Includes were already found and parsed into xml list in expand_includes().
# 1: Mark files that don't have includes as "done"
done = []
for xmldialect in self.xml_dialects.values():
if len(xmldialect.includes) == 0:
# print(f"\nFile with no includes found (ENDPOINT): {xmldialect.basename}" )
if len(done) == 0:
print("\nERROR in includes tree, no base found!")
# 2: Update all 'not done' files for which all includes have been done.
# Returns True if any updates were made
def update_oneiteration():
initial_done_length = len(done)
for xmldialect in self.xml_dialects.values():
if xmldialect.basename in done:
# print(f"Debug: {xmldialect.basename}: already done, skip")
# check if all its includes were already done
all_includes_done = True
for i in xmldialect.includes:
if i not in done:
all_includes_done = False
# print(f"debug: {i} not done in {xmldialect.basename}")
if not all_includes_done:
# print(f"{xmldialect.basename}: not all includes ready, skip")
# Found file where all includes are done
# print(f"{xmldialect.basename}: all includes ready, add" )
# now update it with the facts from all it's includes
for i in xmldialect.includes:
# TODO - merge my includes
# get the corresponding XML file:
dialectToMerge = self.xml_dialects[i]
# print(f"debug: merging {dialectToMerge.basename} ({i}) into {xmldialect.basename}")
# check that it matches
# update the merge
fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(x.filename), i))
#print(" include file %s" % i )
#Find the corresponding x
for ix in xml:
if ix.filename != fname:
#print(" add %s" % ix.filename )
x.largest_payload = max(x.largest_payload, ix.largest_payload)
break # WHY DO THIS?
if len(done) == len(self.xml_dialects):
return False # finished
if len(done) == initial_done_length:
# we've made no progress
print("ERROR include tree can't be resolved, no base found!")
return True
# print("\nITERATION "+str(i))
if not update_oneiteration():
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Markdown Generator for MAVLink Docs from XML")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--source_dir", default="../message_definitions/v1.0/",
help="Path to XML definition directory")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_dialect", default=None,
help="Name of XML dialect, e.g. 'common' (if not specified, does all dialects)")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="./messages/",
help="Path to Markdown output directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
# print(args.source_dir)
# print(args.input_dialect)
# print(args.output)
files = None
# xml_dialects = [] #The list of dialects to generate markdown for
if args.input_dialect:
files = XMLFiles(dialect=args.input_dialect,
all_files = os.listdir(args.source_dir)
xml_dialects = [file[:-4]
for file in all_files if file.endswith('.xml')]
files = XMLFiles(dialect=xml_dialects, source_dir=args.source_dir)
# xml_dialects.append(f"{args.source_dir}{args.input_dialect}.xml")
# print(xml_dialects)
if __name__ == "__main__":