
166 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
estimate attitude from an ArduPilot replay log using a python state estimator
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("log", metavar="LOG")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("--graphs", default="EK3.Roll,EK3.Pitch,EST.Roll,EST.Pitch")
args = parser.parse_args()
from pymavlink import mavutil
from pymavlink.rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3
from math import degrees
GRAVITY_MSS = 9.80665
class Estimator(object):
'''state estimator'''
def __init__(self):
self.r = Matrix3()
self.vel = Vector3()
self.pos = Vector3()
def update_GPS(self, position, velocity):
'''handle new GPS sample'''
if args.debug:
print('GPS: ', position, velocity)
def update_MAG(self, field):
'''handle new magnetometer sample'''
if args.debug:
print('MAG: ', field)
def update_BARO(self, altitude):
'''handle new barometer sample'''
if args.debug:
print('BARO: ', altitude)
def update_IMU(self, delta_velocity, dv_dt, delta_angle, da_dt):
'''handle new IMU sample'''
# rotate using delta_angle
# inertial update with accelerometer. This will diverge very quickly
# without corrections
earth_dvel = self.r * delta_velocity
earth_dvel.z += GRAVITY_MSS*dv_dt
self.vel += earth_dvel
self.pos += self.vel * dv_dt
# normalise the rotation matrix to stop numerical errors creeping in
def estimate(filename):
'''run estimator over a replay log'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
est = Estimator()
output = { 'SIM.Roll' : [],
'SIM.Pitch' : [],
'SIM.Yaw' : [],
'EK3.Roll' : [],
'EK3.Pitch' : [],
'EK3.Yaw' : [],
'EST.Roll' : [],
'EST.Pitch' : [],
'EST.Yaw' : [],
'EK3.PN' : [],
'EK3.PE' : [],
'EK3.PD' : [],
'EST.PN' : [],
'EST.PE' : [],
'EST.PD' : [],
RGPI = None
RFRH = None
while True:
# we want replay sensor data, plus EKF3 result and SITL data
m = mlog.recv_match(type=['XKF1','SIM','RFRH','RFRF','RISH','RISI','RGPH','RGPI','RGPJ','RFRH','RBRH','RBRI','RMGH','RMGI'])
if m is None:
t = m.get_type()
if t == 'XKF1' and m.C == 0:
# output attitude of first EKF3 lane
tsec = m.TimeUS*1.0e-6
output['EK3.Roll'].append((tsec, m.Roll))
output['EK3.Pitch'].append((tsec, m.Pitch))
output['EK3.Yaw'].append((tsec, m.Yaw))
output['EK3.PN'].append((tsec, m.PN))
output['EK3.PE'].append((tsec, m.PE))
output['EK3.PD'].append((tsec, m.PD))
if t == 'SIM':
# output SITL attitude
tsec = m.TimeUS*1.0e-6
output['SIM.Roll'].append((tsec, m.Roll))
output['SIM.Pitch'].append((tsec, m.Pitch))
output['SIM.Yaw'].append((tsec, m.Yaw))
if t == 'RFRH':
# replay frame header, used for timestamp of the frame
RFRH = m
if t == 'RGPI' and m.I == 0:
# GPS0 status info, remember it so we know if we have a 3D fix
RGPI = m
if t == 'RGPJ' and m.I == 0 and RGPI.Stat >= 3:
# update on GPS0, with 3D fix
pos = Vector3(m.Lat*1.0e-7, m.Lon*1.0e-7, m.Alt*1.0e-2)
vel = Vector3(m.VX, m.VY, m.VZ)
est.update_GPS(pos, vel)
if t == 'RMGI' and m.I == 0 and m.H == 1:
# first compass sample, healthy compass
field = Vector3(m.FX, m.FY, m.FZ)
if t == 'RBRI' and m.I == 0:
# first baro sample
if t == 'RISI' and m.I == 0:
# update on IMU0
dvel = Vector3(m.DVX, m.DVY, m.DVZ)
dang = Vector3(m.DAX, m.DAY, m.DAZ)
est.update_IMU(dvel, m.DVDT, dang, m.DADT)
# output euler roll/pitch
r,p,y = est.r.to_euler()
tsec = RFRH.TimeUS*1.0e-6
output['EST.Roll'].append((tsec, degrees(r)))
output['EST.Pitch'].append((tsec, degrees(p)))
output['EST.Yaw'].append((tsec, degrees(y)))
output['EST.PN'].append((tsec, est.pos.x))
output['EST.PE'].append((tsec, est.pos.y))
output['EST.PD'].append((tsec, est.pos.z))
# graph all the fields we've output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for k in args.graphs.split(','):
t = [ v[0] for v in output[k] ]
y = [ v[1] for v in output[k] ]
plt.plot(t, y, label=k)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')