90 lines
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90 lines
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-- Mavlink connection
-- Copyright Fil Andrii root.fi36@gmail.com 2022
with Ada.Assertions;
package body Mavlink.Connection is
function Parse_Byte (Conn : in out Connection;
Val : Interfaces.Unsigned_8) return Boolean is
use type Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
Conn.In_Buf (Conn.In_Ptr) := Val;
if Conn.In_Ptr = 0 then
if Val /= Packet_Marker then
return False;
end if;
X25CRC.Reset (Conn.Checksum);
elsif Conn.In_Ptr = 1 then
Conn.Len := Natural (Val) + Packet_Header_Length + Packet_Marker_Length;
X25CRC.Reset (Conn.Checksum);
X25CRC.Update (Conn.Checksum, Val);
elsif Conn.In_Ptr > Conn.Len then
X25CRC.Update (Conn.Checksum, Mavlink.Messages.CRC_Extras (Conn.In_Buf (Pos_Msg_id)));
Conn.In_Ptr := 0;
return Conn.Checksum.High = Conn.In_Buf (Conn.Len) and Conn.Checksum.Low = Conn.In_Buf (Conn.Len + 1);
elsif Conn.In_Ptr /= Conn.Len then
X25CRC.Update (Conn.Checksum, Val);
end if;
Conn.In_Ptr := Conn.In_Ptr + 1;
return False;
end Parse_Byte;
function Get_Msg_Id (Conn : Connection) return Msg_Id is
return Conn.In_Buf (Pos_Msg_id);
end Get_Msg_Id;
function Pack (Conn : in out Connection;
Msg : Mavlink.Messages.Message'Class) return Byte_Arrray is
use type Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
Buf : Byte_Arrray (0 .. Natural(Msg.Payload_Length) + Packet_Control_Info_Size - 1);
Buf_Ptr : Natural;
Checksum : X25CRC.Checksum;
Fake_array : Byte_Arrray (0 .. Msg'Size / 8 - 1)
with Address => Msg'Address, Import => True, Convention => Ada;
Buf (0 .. 5) := (Packet_Marker, Msg.Payload_Length, Conn.Out_Sequency,
Conn.System_Id, Conn.Component_Id, Msg.Message_Id);
Buf_Ptr := Natural (Msg.Payload_Length) + 5;
Buf (6 .. Buf_Ptr) := Fake_array (Message_Size .. Message_Size + Natural (Msg.Payload_Length) - 1);
Conn.Out_Sequency := Conn.Out_Sequency + 1;
for B of Buf (1 .. Buf_Ptr) loop
X25CRC.Update (Checksum, B);
end loop;
X25CRC.Update (Checksum, Messages.CRC_Extras (Msg.Message_Id));
Buf (Buf_Ptr + 1) := Checksum.High;
Buf (Buf_Ptr + 2) := Checksum.Low;
return Buf;
end Pack;
procedure Unpack (Conn : in out Connection;
Msg : in out Mavlink.Messages.Message'Class) is
use type Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
Fake_array : Byte_Arrray (0 .. Msg'Size / 8 - 1)
with Address => Msg'Address, Import => True, Convention => Ada;
Ada.Assertions.Assert (Msg.Payload_Length = Conn.In_Buf (1) and Msg.Message_Id = Conn.In_Buf (Pos_Msg_Id));
Fake_array (Tag_Length + 1 .. Tag_Length + 3) := Conn.In_Buf (2 .. 4);
Fake_array (Message_Size .. Message_Size - 1 + Natural (Msg.Payload_Length)) :=
Conn.In_Buf (Packet_Payload_First .. Packet_Payload_First - 1 + Natural (Msg.Payload_Length));
end Unpack;
end Mavlink.Connection;