
136 lines
4.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
calculate GPS CEP from DF or mavlink log for all present GPS modules
This assumes the GPS modules were not moving during the test
from builtins import range
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("logs", metavar="LOG", nargs="+")
args = parser.parse_args()
from pymavlink import mavutil
from pymavlink.mavextra import *
# full set of data, indexed by sysId and
DATA = {}
class Sample:
def __init__(self, lat, lon, alt, fix_type): = lat
self.lon = lon
self.alt = alt
self.fix_type = fix_type
def add_data(sysid, gps_id, lat, lon, alt, fix_type):
global DATA
if not sysid in DATA:
DATA[sysid] = {}
if not gps_id in DATA[sysid]:
DATA[sysid][gps_id] = []
DATA[sysid][gps_id].append(Sample(lat, lon, alt, fix_type))
def process_log(logfile):
'''process GPS logs'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type=['GPS', 'GPS2', 'GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS2_RAW'])
if m is None:
mtype = m.get_type()
if mtype in ['GPS_RAW_INT', 'GPS2_RAW']:
(lat, lon, alt, fix_type) = (*1.0e-7, m.lon*1.0e-7, m.alt*1.0e-3, m.fix_type)
(lat, lon, alt, fix_type) = (m.Lat, m.Lng, m.Alt, m.Status)
if fix_type < 3:
if mtype in ['GPS', 'GPS_RAW_INT']:
gps_id = 1
gps_id = 2
if hasattr(m, 'get_srcSystem'):
sysid = m.get_srcSystem()
sysid = int(mlog.params.get('SYSID_THISMAV',0))
add_data(sysid, gps_id, lat, lon, alt, fix_type)
for filename in args.logs:
def calc_cep(data, pct):
'''calculate CEP horizontally and alt vertically'''
# get median pos
count = len(data)
mid = count//2
mid2 = count*pct//100
median_lat = sorted(data, key=lambda x:[mid].lat
median_lon = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x.lon)[mid].lon
median_alt = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x.alt)[mid].alt
# find point that is half way through list sorted by distance from median pos
d1 = sorted(data, key=lambda x: distance_lat_lon(, x.lon, median_lat, median_lon))[mid2]
# find point that is half way through list sorted by alt from median alt
d2 = sorted(data, key=lambda x: abs(x.alt-median_alt))[mid2]
# cep is distance from median point to the point that 50% of points are within CEP
cep = distance_lat_lon(, d1.lon, median_lat, median_lon)
# alt accuracy is alt difference from median alt to point where 50% of points are within accuracy
hep = abs(d2.alt - median_alt)
return (cep, hep)
def process_CEP(sysid, gps_id, data):
rtk5 = []
rtk6 = []
non_rtk = []
for d in data:
if d.fix_type >= 6:
elif d.fix_type == 5:
elif d.fix_type <= 4:
# HEP50
# CEP50
# CEP99
# HEP99
# process if we have at least 100 points
if len(rtk5) > 100:
(cep50, hep50) = calc_cep(rtk5, 50)
(cep99, hep99) = calc_cep(rtk5, 99)
print("GPS-RTK5 %s:%u CEP50:%.3fm CEP99:%.2fm HEP50:%.3fm HEP99:%.3fm (%u points)" % (sysid, gps_id,
cep50, cep99, hep50, hep99,
if len(rtk6) > 100:
(cep50, hep50) = calc_cep(rtk6, 50)
(cep99, hep99) = calc_cep(rtk6, 99)
print("GPS-RTK6 %s:%u CEP50:%.3fm CEP99:%.2fm HEP50:%.3fm HEP99:%.3fm (%u points)" % (sysid, gps_id,
cep50, cep99, hep50, hep99,
if len(non_rtk) > 100:
(cep50, hep50) = calc_cep(non_rtk, 50)
(cep99, hep99) = calc_cep(non_rtk, 99)
print("GPS-NORM %s:%u CEP50:%.3fm CEP99:%.2fm HEP50:%.3fm HEP99:%.3fm (%u points)" % (sysid, gps_id,
cep50, cep99, hep50, hep99,
for sysid in sorted(DATA.keys()):
for gps_id in sorted(DATA[sysid].keys()):
process_CEP(sysid, gps_id, DATA[sysid][gps_id])